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AuthorMaybe this would help alot...
There should be special advantages given to the players who play a lot of Pvp(duels/Group battles...) like their arts dont lose durablity atleast one day per week(like a sunday or sat)..

This could encourage alot of players to be online or atleast increase their time doing more than just enrolling....

These privileges could be given to people considering no. of participations in combats in a given number of days , say a week.(ofcourse winning/losing shouldnt matter in this case).

There could be many other similar incentives that would make people play this game more n more :D (the more ,the better:P)

See my profile , I'm awfully broke when it comes to gold/arts...still i like to play alot of duels/gbs therefore i spend more money than i earn :D
Thinking, this implementation would help players like me the most so it would sound like a selfish thingy but whats the harm....)))

So, what do you guys think?
Hmmm, nice idea... although players might stop fighting once they pass the threshold for a non-dura-day, until that day arrives.

yeah...so the advantages are supposed to be temporary or for a limited period that could extend only if they players keeps it up...
yeh it could help a lot
the number of players playing duels and group battle had decresed a lot
I'd prefer just a better fsp / xp ratio (I do not do pvp and gb with this account, but with my multi, yes), or simply could gain gold (as 50g * lvl ) as in hunts...
that is why i dont go for them
i agree with _Sworks_ I would just prefer an increased fsp/xp ratio
players of lvl 9+ can enjoy commander guild.

After you reach lvl 1 there, you will be able to loot artifacts similiar to the ones your opponent has. Also you will get more FSP points than in normal fight.
Better Fsp will be enough to bring many players to pvp game style :)
Agreed with Sworks, well money isn't a problem if you know administrate it, also you can always fight with min ap...

So "free" figths, will be unbalanced to who don't have full ap, and to who don't have money problems...

-1 For thread idea
+1 for sworks idea
this is wide open to exploits.
for example, players would be fighting pay for self battles in min ap and in full ap during free battles.

and I really don't see this motivating anyone to pvp.
On the day of no durability loss people will use their ench. arts.
Now, some of them may not have it and some may have.
The problem will be maximized in cg battles
it would be better if there was a prize if u did a lot of duels/grou battles...

e.g. if u win 5 group battles in a day, u get 1000 gold. if this continues, they will gain +1000 gold than the previous prize. if this is done for a whole week, u recieve a artifact based on ur level.

It would be better to decrease amounts of gold u get in labour's guild and get a lot more in hunts.. I am the "sort of people" who never get botered to enroll....
So "free" figths, will be unbalanced to who don't have full ap, and to who don't have money problems...

On the day of no durability loss people will use their ench. arts.
Now, some of them may not have it and some may have.

Whats the point here? Basically you want either evryone to be bored here accusing the admins otherwise all of us to enjoy?

Call it a day for people who wish to play taking the risk of being outarmed by other fellow players who will have 2 be behaving normal rest of the days.

You can imagine a community that satisfies everryone?
insted of a whole day maby 2-3 fights may be good ?
closed by virtual_vitrea (2012-02-29 10:13:50)
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