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AuthorNegative Exp
I have seen that some characters go beyond their exp limit
how can this be possibe?
This is because when anyone plays tournament and get exp more than he needs to lvl up.. the remaining exp. gets in Negative..
When a player joins a tournament, any experience points gained in the tournament will not allow the player to gain a level if it exceeds the required exp points to go to the next level.

This is to allow a player to continue doing the tournament at the current level instead of needing to re-start the tournament at her new level. Though most will do both (complete the tournament at the original level and then restart at the new level)

Any non-tournament exp gained WILL cause the player to rise in level, even if the tournament is still going on.
SO after winning 1 hunt or battle the player will lvl up... right??
For eg :- player have -2000 exp
and by winning a hunt he gets 100 exp
then will he lvl up?
Ok... thnxx a lot
closed by ___Saurabh___ (2012-02-29 13:19:40)
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