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AuthorWizard Faction, stats, talents and tactics
explain about *pump*
Tell me how to pump your character

Depend in how you mean this "pump"...

If you want to be a great wizard, you should just stay as wiz and do a lot of hunts, MGs, tournaments that give more fsp than the normal (I know, it's very rare, but, do a lot of battles in the anniversary, it will help you to *pump* your character)...

Also, don't forget, Gamblers' guild and LG are very important for you rise your stats ;)

I still dunno if it's what you wanted...
Just play and have fun ;) Nice thing about RPGs is that you may choose for yourself how to pump your character :)
Ive decided on becoming a wizard and im thinking of being a might wizard, I dont want power or tactics I simply want fun, is this a fun build?
All can be fun. I'd reccomend for you a magic build, you will like more, in my opinion. Wizard is only good as might in lvl 10+ (again, IMO)...

Might wizard can be fun when you reach lvl 5, with the nice mages, but, I still prefer the magic :P

And, more a little tip:

Knight: 0 (19.21) +0.8

You are so close of 1 knight, try to level up with it, you will gain more 3% of resistance against this faction ;)
might wizard can work for PVP in PVE it wont work as you know wizard faction skill point increas it's spell power in hunt and MG like if your spell make 40 dmg if you have wizard faction lvl 1 it will do 60 dmg every faction lvl you have increas your dmg +50% the normal dmg you deadl so if you have 5 faction lvl wizard you will do 350% more dmg 40 normal dmg it will be 140 :) wizard so strong in hunts not might but magic
ummm.... i have a lvl 3 wizard multi

currently i have

2 knowlege
1 spellpower

what shall i increace next ?

ooh and how to beat dark elfes

i wish i could link the charecter to you but it is in .ru

and i dont think posting links for .ru is aloud
KN should be 3, in third level... After you get 30 mana, you can add SP ;)

DEs are very difficult to beat for a wizard... You should try to save your golems, and kill rogues with punch. Don't use a lot of gremilins, they are useless againts rogues. To kill tamed, split your gargoleys in stacks of 1, to take retal, and, after that, try to attack with golems (this is difficult, 'cause, tameds has 5 speed while golems has only 4)
Any links/infos with combats/forum_posts of wizards mixed build ? (half might, half mage)
levels 12+
What good could a half might, half mage wiz do? Elemental, holy or pure might build are good, half and half would be wasted parameter points.

Only exception could be dominion of fire on 3x3 or even 2x2 gbs, not tested though.
Any links/infos with combats/forum_posts of wizards mixed build ? (half might, half mage)


A CG battle from Magistrus, half magic (holy) and might.
Thanks Sworks, although that's a holy-might build, defense oriented.

What I had in mind was more like chaos build, with some parameters in attack too. Not sure if makes sense to split parameters between spell power and attack... but that's what it would've been nice to see if someone did some PvPs like that.

Currently playing as a demon ,but I can post some of my might wizard fights for level 10 if you like. But for the time being, watch this..


female mage with mirror+adv.erudition(with defence points) v/s male wiz with expert erudition(all into attack).

Wizards are amazing.:))
To add to that, I have never played as Holy might wizard,instead played as nature might wizard, with 20-40 mana. worked fine so far.
hello every1 :)

i want to know what buildings i need to built at wiz castle to get sufficient troops for lvl 12...

...and pls no guessing! :)

THX in advance
regards Baloo-the-Bear
How many magis can wizard recruit maximum in level5?
How many magis can wizard recruit maximum in level5?

Before the update, it was 5. Now, is just 4 ;)
hello every1 :)

i want to know what buildings i need to built at wiz castle to get sufficient troops for lvl 12...

...and pls no guessing! :)

THX in advance
regards Baloo-the-Bear

any1 know?
for _Sworks_: But in castle it is written as
"Allows you to recruit from 5 magi upward."
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