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AuthorIts That Time of the year again [ Version 3.0]
no one ?
It has been 2 years since India won World Cup :P
dont think of it prince.. india wont win again lmao
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Hi guys :')
Cant wait to flood again...
And dheeraj, i joined the flooders a bit after this thread was created =p but that wont lower down morale for the celebration =D
bought new set for quick tournament =D,though the AI sucks D!ks
Made it to semis and....lost cuz of the S#!t AI!!!!
IPL started yesterday
where are you guys?
:') i am back , ITs been so long ! i missed you guys , i am currently at school :) hacked the internet now i have on my laptop
try to see Noldor's hunt record's list.

Your shockwave flash will crash
it didnt..boo!
Check it. man:)
good to see you again alexander:)
At the top:)
Game of thrones season 3 premeired 2 days back. Its awesome!!!!any got fans here?
[Post deleted by moderator ElfPride // FR#4.4]
Player banned by moderator ElfPride until 2013-04-03 21:14:46 // FR#4.4//It is strictly forbidden to use foul language.
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