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AuthorIts That Time of the year again [ Version 3.0]
Another page without Pankaj :p
hey buddy..
its great that ur r flooding with enthusiasm...but try to post something meaningful..else u might earn a hammer.
GN btw..
err okay :p GM guys!
Anybody home?
i m at home..why.?
u aren't..P
well.... am at my earlier well-known flooding home..

and u r too..
i meant literally...
u r Kota..:P
so..anything intresting going around here ?
yeah..kota... geart good unfortunate... xD
its just that 6 days away frm the mega anniversary..
3 in a row... wasnt xpctng..while u r arnd.
unknown to the events coming in dis world.. ;(
its just 2..

u wont be getting it..:P while i m arnd.
now u might go off to quick tourney...rt?
i've created a monster
ohh yeah..u knew it..:P
u too i guess..?
cuz nobody wants to see marshall anymore..
no.its justing wasting money..and i cant enroll <you know> ..so am nt here to spend money when i cant even settle my troops or enroll..

and u created monster? wht monster?
they want shady

i m chopped liver.
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