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AuthorRejoice - two worlds about to merge!!!!
Admins will not give .com players free fsp. Why? Because instead of having 1000 players complaining that they are second class heroes, they will have 20,000 players complaining that .com players got free fsp =P
for DragonEater:

I hope majority of those 20.000 undetstand that we are a bit behind and respect the decision . otherwise they are .com racists ;) nah but some sort of evening up might be needed,

personally my main concerns for the merge

our names if there are existant there already what happens?
our items ?
players who owns estates?
of course our stats. FSP-HH-MC and the other.

the translation of the pages. google chrome isnt very good or precise.
for battles it doesnt matter much basic english/russian battle commands.
1)com'on y the big fuss over fsp??
u seriously think u will do well against .ru players even if u've equal fsp to them?? i seriously think u guys need more free brains instead of just fsp. as far as i know ur brains do the major part in ur win than ur fsp!!

2)now about the language barrier thingy all i want to say that we all r humans and not machine or software which run under certain conditions and which cannot perform 'wat if' analysis. just imagine ur self abducted and left alone in the middle of russia! now wat would u do? at least try to communicate or just whine about it??

3)u guys are such negativists! u guys worry about just 5% of negative things and forget 95% of positive. i would rather go to a 95% good and 5% bad .ru server instead of 5% good and 95% bad .com server!!

4)only thing i worry about is that we will turn from lords to just heroes!! :P
I think a good and easy to make solution to compensate for lower fsp on .com would be to make lets say 'golden week' or 'two-weeks' with increased fsp for every combat for all .com players.

Hunts, quests and normal PvPs would have it increased by lets say 30% while CG would have it increased by 50%.

This way active players would be happy and those who have tons of gold would spend it on CG.
3)u guys are such negativists! u guys worry about just 5% of negative things and forget 95% of positive. i would rather go to a 95% good and 5% bad .ru server


u will be killed by russian when just arrive ru ... lol
guys need more free brains instead of just fsp. as far as i know ur brains do the major part in ur win than ur fsp!!

Well mate you are under estimating russian players. Don't they have brains ? Or do you believe this game as a fairy tale, only hero(in this case .com players) having brain, will power etc . Give it a break . How about you alone have 5 less elven bows compared to other elves. All you need is brains mate :P

just imagine ur self abducted and left alone in the middle of russia! now wat would u do? at least try to communicate or just whine about it??

This is a game not Special Forces training game :P

u guys are such negativists! u guys worry about just 5% of negative things and forget 95% of positive. i would rather go to a 95% good and 5% bad .ru server instead of 5% good and 95% bad .com server!!
Well I too would like an outcome if its 95% good. But how can you say theres just 5% bad in it !!! It maybe for you. Not so low for PvP lovers(me) and serious players.
yes, we are inferior compared to them.

its just like you are taken from your home by the kgb to live in the russia where people there stronger and wealthier than you. we cant expect them to favor a smaller population. so, our choice is: live there or quit the game.

another problem of live there would be language. but, learning a few russian word is not hard i think.
Do you have a list of extras on ru which are not available on com?
I mean:
- rengers guild
- 5 daily combats

I would appreciate to list all these things up.
the list is way too long to fit one post
better make an entire new topic for it in off game forum or something
I do not mean events had earlier on ru. I only mean extra features what we have not on com now.
it is a giant list
map sectors,
text quests
more units in hunts / merc quests
they can teleport on map
rangers guild
new thief artifacts
much more faction sets
etc etc etc etc

i think its easily over 50 differences
true, in Ru i'm lvl 16 necro. and can say something...there are several ways to fight but believe me, very few can afford to fight every day...btw i don't think admins will give us too many advantages and i think it is fair to be like that.
Is absurd if we expect to be favored against people who play there...admins will probably implement a solution without upsetting too many russian players.
Bene! My master has returned! And he is disguised as Dwarf... pf...

I wish you all an easy and with as less problems as possible merging.
CU at .ru.
i am afraid the merge will not be beneficial to us on .com
players on the russian server are more pexperience, richer and play smarter than us.
now the defeated players get less fsp and exp than those who win.
they can easily take advantage of us
rangers guild What's rangers guild?
for elbuster:

Even if they play smarter we learn to play the same. and if enough efforts is made we will play better.

they might have more experience and such than us. but in the long run we will catch up if we put in enough effort to it.
something to counter thieves
instead of being in the middle, you will be in a 1 vs 1 duel.
unfortunately no way to avoid it as a thief ...
The Administration plans to initiate a merge of two servers of the game (so called .com and .ru servers) in the next few months

next few months=next few years(2-3 at least)

how about fsp, guild points, resources they earn from events (which are held more frequently in .ru than .com) and artifacts which are not offered here?

yes, we may learn the knowledge and experience by time (but how long?).
yet, unfairly they have already got much better hardwares than we have already had
This topic is long since last update and considered obsolete for further discussions.

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