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AuthorAll about Dwarfs faction: Stats, Talent, Tactics, Strategy
for drdre23:
and dont forger to cast evasion on your main units
Stay Alive
Stay Alive
Stay Alive
Stay Alive
I just reached FSL 7 at CL 13. Are there any tips to gain FSP quickly? I got around 80 FSP from CG alone and was wondering if there was a quicker way apart from special events. Also are there any tips for when I get ambushed?

P.S I have FSL 7 in 4 factions
for Santremus:
When you get ambushed you need to focus on:
1. Use resurrection rune on spearmen and ursary (I see you maxed out spearmen), because this gives you the max HP increase. For this 2 units the resurrection rune is way better then any other rune.
2. Use dreads to reach shooters. Use rune of speed if shooters are opened. If shooters are protected, just get closer to them in your first turn and later on use rune of berserk.
3. Divide berserkers into 2 equal stacks and use rune of intangibility on both. This will ensure your berserkers will survive to go berserk 2 times.After that, whatever remains alive can be used as retail units.
4. Take 1 knowledge and 1-2 SP on your hero. A bless or speed in the right time can do miracles.
5.As for setup, place dreads in a corner so they can reach a corner of the map. Place berserkers up and down, or left and right.
Stay Alive
Acknowledging the fact that lvl 13 chaos dwarf is a bad idea, how do I go about it?
Stay Alive
Why dont I find not even one Dwarf in Lev 9 ? I am really searching for someone for days .. I f u find someone plz tell me
http://www.guildofheroes.ru/players.php?levelst=9&levelfin=9&male=1&female=1&sort=2&napr=1&clan_ id=-1&frak8=1&submit=search...&nick=

take a look there :)
[Post deleted by moderator Arcanide // Event related.]
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Stay Alive
In my last fight it was first time i saw master spearmen performn mayhem for 3 full turns.
Anyone has any ideea why was 3 and not 2 turns?

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