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AuthorAll about Dwarfs faction: Stats, Talent, Tactics, Strategy
what are all the dwarf creatures which i can not disrupt?


Not all, probably. I don't know the links for the alternate upgraded ones.
anybody know top 5 dwarfs with highest FS level?
if i miss someone..apologizes
too bad we don't have any dwarf event..
for Mohini:
Too bad indeed. And by looking at the admins activity so far and knowing that they are working on merging the servers, I don't think we are going to have one :(
Unless one of us has the time and the will to organize an all level, 3vs3, even PvP event, only for dwarfs ;)
Any idea how to beat this?:
@ 147

take expert def + vitality and stand your ground when doing that battle. place ursary where dreadbanes were and defend with them. don't shoot at all with preists, just defend. split berserkers into 2 equal stacks to attack. use dreadbanes to hit appas as they will hit 4 every time with retribution strike. The appas will come to ursary, so just leave them there.

should be easy depending on hit/miss of appas :)
for slayerofall:
I'll try next time. Thanks
Can't go down Darwfs..let us who reach fsl8 now...:P
big uncle in .ru is awesome http://www.heroeswm.ru/pl_info.php?id=247524
when we got some one like this :)
for Mohini:
Nice army :D
for Mohini:
After servers merge there will be no need for another Tolgar :)
After servers merge there will be no need for another Tolgar :) if it is only one world :P i still don't think they mix both characters.
anyway that is out off topic..so leave it :xD
ham at fsl6 dwarf creating problems for others..it is good for me to build there castle :)
Hi all,

Any advice for a lvl 6 dwarf? What talents, recruitment and strategy when playing etc. I keep losing :(

Also, how do the monsters choose what to attack? Even when they have a choice, sometimes they attack usary, sometimes they attack sentries, their choices seem pretty random to me.


Also, how good is dwarf at later levels?
for xordax:
talents - luck. 0 spell power. attack better.
Also, how do the monsters choose what to attack? Even when they have a choice, sometimes they attack usary, sometimes they attack sentries, their choices seem pretty random to me.


you can figure out though i dont understand
imo no one has figured out
for xordax:
Also, how do the monsters choose what to attack? Even when they have a choice, sometimes they attack usary, sometimes they attack sentries, their choices seem pretty random to me.

From what I understand so far:
1. Monster will target ranged units whenever possible
2. They will attack units with no retaliation. So after 1 stack hit's your unit, the others will jump to attack the same unit.
3. Monsters tent to do the best damage while taking the smallest damage possible. So between ursary and sentries they will go for the stack witch has no more retaliation or the stack that can do the smallest amount of damage when retaliating

As for talents, go for luck
i seen sometimes they attack troops which are not in defend,if all other are defend, they kill small stack too if they can reach..that was i exploit sometimes as elf..:)
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