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AuthorDwarf thief
Please can someone give me a link for a thiefing Dwarf?
he got ~6k exp for winning vs a caravan on CL 15 with TG9

i get ~5k exp for winning vs a caravan on CL 11 with TG4 (was same on CL 10)

admins, for the love of god, do something about the TG !!!
for Nebiros92:
which caravan? Pls post the link...
if it is this one https://www.lordswm.com/war.php?warid=503334672, it was not caravan but ambushed player...
If it was some special caravan liek the 'full arted' DE caravan, it is possible too - you can't compare different caravans exp gaining
nah, the one vs DE

heck, i even recorded 5.8k exp gain from Necro caravan (i know i know, raise dead made higher exp, but still, too much) on CL 10 TG4

and today won vs DE ( CL 11 TG4 )
5400 exp

too much ;_;

on ru players get (CL 11 TG 4 or 5) ~2.5k exp and ~1.36 fsp for caravan
for Nebiros92:
now I know which caravan you mean but you must realize for killing dragons you don't get so many exp as for killing lower tier units (because to dragons you usually don't cause so much damage). This is the reason. You should check also his other winnings.

Anyway, we are not .ru yet so I don't care about what they have, I care about what we have. They also must use expensive full arts to win something what is its disadvantage...

btw is it really so neccesary? I know on lower levels they can win easily with e.g. steel arts or even min arts but also on higher levels - if the weakening is based ond fsp gained and they do lot of losses with semi-full arts shouldn't they be able to win in min arts too? :) Or they simply don't mind to play every battle with so expensive sets?
TG level has little impact on xp gained.

Thieves who always wear min ap and lose 100s of ambushes to get difficulty down will usually get less xp (per ambush) than those who wear full arts and fight harder caravans.
& losing even 10 TG battles at this exp/fsp rate ... is pure character suicide.
though winning is too ...
10ap vs 50% enchant

10ap vs 50% enchant
I think you mean this one https://www.lordswm.com/war.php?warid=503376487&lt=-1
closed by Lord AzagToth (2012-05-06 19:54:48)
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