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AuthorAll about Barbarian's: Talents, Stats, Skills etc
Don't agree with this part, Of course fury is a must for hobs...

But they still do more damage on first strike than common wolfs can do, survive more, and are "harder" to kill...
The only problem is the 5 speed, need have a good movement tactic with all the army, also 3 morale (pendant + talent + 1 natural) is a must on lv 5.

wolf may do less damage in first strike but has two atks more speed and more initiative
if no retail then wolf can rape much better than hob + we get more chance to get luck:D
(ofc without battle fury)
Hobs (with full stacks) almost 90% of the times on cl 5 they make 1 hit kill on most stacks (except on tanker stacks like swords, ogres etc.)

So the already do a crazy damage for the level.

The speed isn't a problem when you advance with ogre and make scourt with hobs, you just need lot morale like 3 - 5, i've played with 3 morale (min ap) and works very well for me.

wolf may do less damage in first strike but has two atks

Wolfs need a stack to take retail for him, which ins't possible because you'ill split lot stakcs with few orcs to farm bloodlust, ogres aren't so fast...

common Wolfs are VERY easy to kill, and be blocked, also they eat lot of settlement, no worth at my opnion...

About the damage, hobs do 1 hit kill on most stacks, so no matter who make more damage, if hobs keep doing 1 hit kill...

The only wolfs which deserve be part of barbarian armys are the powerful and fearsome BLACK WOLF RAIDERS! :D
but with supllementary rune your ogres are dead.
whatever may be the battle hobs the best

Barbarian is a faction of posicionament and right time to strike...

You could try train a little with demons, but they will lot more harder than barbs, if you survive with they, and really learn play with they...

You will improve your skills with barbs 1.000%

Also there's few things to be abused, like orcs bloodlust, rocs transport, morale, ogros knock back, orcs knock back, behemut killer of high tiers, heroe stun etc..

But this you will learn with the time.
I would like to know if there is any strategy (talents, recruits and....) that can win a CG against Knight with white magic.
I would like to know if there is any strategy (talents, recruits and....) that can win a CG against Knight with white magic.

The best way I found to win a Holy Knight is being With Retribution + Morale Build.

For Level 11
TALENTS: Advanced Ofense + Battle Fury + Retribution + Basic Leadership 38 points.
ARTS: Full art set but with 2 x Inspiration rings.
RECRUIT: Max Orcs , Max wolfs , Max Orcs , Min Rocs and then ogres.
TACTICS: Split Rocs in two stacks , first use them as blockers , then as retailers or to transport cyclops cos is probable he cast evasión.
Use your shooters to clean xbows and wait with wolfs if griffins dive, if griffins wait then move your wolfs and pray for morale :D
I found very usefull waiting with ogres almost all battle in order to do a nice damage hit to guards in the end.

Good points: Having 4 morale let you do a fast attack before your opponent cast all spells. ( If he can cast all holy spells , you are lost )

Bad points: You will have less attack and iniciative so a loose is almost sure if your opponent is not a holy caster.

For me holy knight was one of the toughtest opponents in CL 11-12-13

Good luck ;)
Max Orcs , Max wolfs , Max Orcs , Min Rocs and then ogres.
what exactly do you mean you mean max orcs and max cyclops cuz u wrote 2 times max orcs
what exactly do you mean you mean max orcs and max cyclops cuz u wrote 2 times max orcs
True , my mistake :)
Max orcs and max cyclops.
i dont think it is possible to win form holy knight till he dont makes mistake

even if we kill his full army we cant kill guards
+ monks with high defense and guard protecting from range + evasion mostly first spell

so whatever we do at last monks and guard with all holy magic r there which cant be killed
Didn't fight yet, If some one post replays should be great.

Did any try use orcs on melee? Maybe teleport they (without give guardians range of course)
with stone skin and already high defence we can kill only 5-6 guard
with luck maybe 10

cant search my logs but got few level 11 duel with holy knight
tried diffrent stratigies but wining is far i was not even near
According to all I have read It seems to be really hard winning (5% chance?) so it is not well balance.

It is not a fair fight.

Thanks for all your help!!!!
1% i say only if knight makes mistakes like using chiastic before evasion and stoneskin

not placing range near guard
and killing ogres intead of orcs and wolf!!!!!
it is not well balance.

It is not a fair fight.

Some factions got advantage against other, or some spefic builds...

With the merge, barbarians will get a new school, darkness, the delay and confusion, disturp, weakness will make holy knight, cry like a girl.
wow barb with dark magic
any change in unique racial ability?
i dont like it much
I don't know, I thinkt not (They didn't talk anything about barb racial), and I hope not :P
well, i think barb's racial ability should be changed. It is not very reliable/useful as much as others. ncero/knight gets additional troops which cant be called useless, demons gating similar with necro/knight, elves with luck+favoured enemy is just..;, wizard/dwarves which can change their strategy very flexibly..

I think dark elven defense&barb's racial isn't quite powerful as those above. dark elven defense is really a tip of iceberg in high level and for barbs, they won't wait because of the ability.
Barbarian faction of pure damage based, every wait get 1%Dmg*Fsl Black wolfs do 3 strikes in other words... 1%Dmg*Fsl*3.
Barb racial is PvE oriented where you can do a wait strategie but is usefull in PvP too.

In example:
Barb vs Knight ( lets say we have a barb lvl 9 )
Griffins usually dive over orcs , you can wait with wolfs get +9% damage then you can hit griffs and kill all or almost all in one hit without loosing too many wolfs.
Also ogres usually cast chastice or wait defending his position, at the end of the battle is very common ogres have 4 or 5 turns without hit then you can do a nice hit with +36 or +45% damage. Even only 5 ogres can do nice damage in one hit.
Obviously Orcs and Cyclops shoot everytime they can , but combat readiness is more oriented to melee stacks ( Wolfs , ogres and Tbirds mainly )
Not saying this is the best racial of the world, or don't even can be compared with gates, extra troops or mini arts...

But still better than older one :P

Anyway, on 3v3 it's very common wait some turns, also on 1v1 agains't somef actions you need advance foward 1 time, or wait 1 time to take retail with other troop, it's make a little extra damage, to compensate the turn you didn't act.

For example, let's say you walk to reach genies, and then gargulas...

You take a chain light by enemy hero, you lost some troops. but the act to move foward give you some extra damage bonus which will compesate the lost units with that turn...

The older one wasn't anything good :)
What should b the 1t priority for a lvl 12 barb

Citadel or ogremagi?
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