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hi was just woundring what faction has the best shooters
elf of course.
you see that elven bowmen are soo strong with critical damage and druids lightning shots are soo powerful.
if you are looking till lvl8 then elf is the choice cause it has got great melee and ranged attacks
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Might factions: Barb, Elf
Magic factions: Wiz, DE, Demon, Dwarf

Barbarians got the powerful orcs, with high hp, number, moderate damage, high initiative, bloodlust and knocking shot.
Cyclops: Tier 6 stats, strong dmg.

Elfs: GMB: Double shot, critical, luck cheap, knocking shot.
Achorites: Light, Spike, mana covey, high hp, good number, good dmg.

All magic factions, have his own shoters, for example wizards, got master gremilies, lore keepers and titans (not implemented yet) but the main strengh on range, is the power of your heroe.

Same for demon, DE and Dwarf, they quit good on range, but the main power is on chaos magic...

Don't means they only plays with theis build (chaos), other builds could be lot better depending your play style.

Some people could say, knights have a good number or necromancer have many skels, but I don't seen both as a "top" range faction.

The build is the fact most important of everything as "best range", get the one you most like, and make the strategy is better to you.
The best shooter is the one that dies harder : Wizard.

#3 Has some wrong tips.

DE is not a 'Range' faction. The funny part is that he said is that - they quit good on range - This is wrong. Dark Witche's, are a type of ranger - yes. Strong? In 3-6 Recruitments?
Not to mention its more based on chaos buffs/debuffs than actually doing ANY damage?

And also what he meant by - Don't means they only plays with theis build (chaos), other builds - Is that the DE faction, is more based on MELEE atacks than range.

So to answer your question.
It has to be elfs.
Dear, i said with Magic chaos build, so far DE are the faction with huge magic damage cuz of Elemental Call...

Of corse as might build, they are nothing on range...

Magic factions: Wiz, DE, Demon, Dwarf

Read again if you didn't understand =)
Definitely necro with large numbers of skeletal bowmen (at decent faction level) and liches/archliches.
ueah but skel archers die so easily in my opinon it has to be succubi/mistress as they do high damage and shoot back and also demonic and then to sdd to that mistress ricosht shot
Maybe with a defensive build, the necromancer may be a "top range" faction...

I don't know, with normal build (darkness or all attack) the skels take 1 hit kill by archorites with luck/critical hit...

Linchs are quit easy to block... Think depends more the build than anything else :)

And of course, dominion of pain with mass poison is one way to be "range"

But with this new update coming from .ru, and with the merge "Necromancers, will be allowed to choose offensive talents" Everything will change complety!

I don't want even think about 300+ skels with fury =)

Anyway, X-DarkSoul-X like you see, almost all factions could be "top" on range. My prefer are elfs and barbarians. :)
#9 you obviously dont know necro very well. What you say in #9 may be true in the first few combat levels but is certainly wrong at higher levels.

And of course, dominion of pain with mass poison is one way to be "range" poison is useless to a necro at higher levels.
4) lol.. wizard's best magic is fireball and lightning and such so wizard falls in the category of a caster

1) barb and elf are the best 2 shooters by which i mean orcs/orcchiefs, elvenbowmen/Gmb why so? well orcs have high ini so they come before most of the bowmen and do med dmg but still good enuf :)

Elvenbow/Gmb *if lives* does massive dmg with luck+critical and because of 2 shots per turn u can expect high dmg frm them both are the best shooters but theres one more

skel bow: massive dmg coz of huge number of units at level 8-15 they r a huge problem ;) (tip try wearing mh set if u are a necro xD)

but since i am an elf
+1 elf
The result is the same.
Elf for sure! best shooter of all
what about magi they go throug all stacks cast and no ranged pen
what about magi they go throug all stacks cast and no ranged pen

In general, wizards have very low attack stats (almost everything is in Knowledge or SP) so magi do very little damage.
we only have best shooter in certain situation but not in all situation :)
@10 With expert talent and all on SP, poison does a quit good damage over time... Just a faster exemple, with simple shop arts + MG lv 4 (basic) + CL 15 + Expert darkness + all SP, we have... 136 Damage aeo over 5 turns (680 DMG)

On 2 - 4 targets per time it casted, at least used 3 - 5 times on 3v3 combat...

Which means more than 5k dmg, with only one spell, I don't know you, but I don't call it "useless"

Also with CG stuff, the damage will be better...

I didn't say it's the best build or anything, i just point one possibilit...

Mhmmm you know skels take 1 hit kill easy or maybe 2 his from most "range" factions didn't you?
for DecayWolf:

For skeletons, they are the most die hard shooters in high levels. You don't wanna see a necro with 330+ skeletons and Vitality Talent. 330*6 gives skeletons almost 2k HP.
Hallion91, yup like i said must have defensive talents otherwise they will get 1 hit kill...

Just look this battle -> https://www.lordswm.com/war.php?warid=504044645&lt=-1

CG Fight:
Necro CL 14: Basic Defense + Vitality Fsl 8.

I know with fsl 10+ they should be more hard to kill... But fsl 8 isn't so bad...

The point here, to be a "top range" faction, they need full defensive talents + some points on defense...

But it will make they weak against chaos builds... So it's a little complicate for necros. They need make a complicate choose, which other might factions as barb and elf, don't have to...

That's why i call they "best" might factions, because they are made to that, without any consequence...
#19 you are just simply wrong in so many areas. I guess you just need to level up and experience it for yourself.
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