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AuthorStrategy [Barbs]
Hey, is it worth it putting +1 luck at talents instead of cold blade at PvPs?
It has overally the same outcome.

Luck means one hit with double damage with a 10% probability.

Cold blade means +10% on every hit.

Probability explained statistically means that you're expected to deal 110% damage every 10 hits.

Cold blade means that you'll deal a total of 110% at any time of the combat.
Yeah but think it practically, many times you just need a first luck hit with rocs to kill unis,vamps,efk etc.
which will brings easily the win to you
yes, try 1 luck, chance to deal double damage is much better then +10% damage all the time.
That's right. That's luck for you. Make sure not to forget about 1 hobgoblin hetting luck when it retals too though !

Oh and BTW, cold blade is cheaper for Barbs as a Talent, isn't it ? If you can get two Talents instead of one luck, you should prefer it.
Make sure not to forget about 1 hobgoblin hetting luck when it retals too though !

lvl 11 barbs havent hobs:)
Oh and BTW, cold blade is cheaper for Barbs as a Talent, isn't it ? If you can get two Talents instead of one luck, you should prefer it.
nop i cant have 2 talents instead of basic fortune
Up to you then mate. For PvP luck would be better IMO, you'll rarely have the time to land 10 attacks, but usually at least one Luck trigger will happen.
don't forget that luck triggers are independant for each unit. So even if your 1 hob triggered it, the other stack still has all its chances of inflicting double damage as before.
don't forget that luck triggers are independant for each unit. So even if your 1 hob triggered it, the other stack still has all its chances of inflicting double damage as before.
true and many players forget about it.
Cold Blade is water elemental damage, so can be resisted.
Cold Blade is water elemental damage, so can be resisted
it happens rarely but its true
The luck is surely better since:
1-your main troops are the wolf raiders in hunts and MGs and even in TG. The probability of luck depends on the number of hits u have with luck against those you haven't. that means with 3 lucks a wolf raider always have at least 1 hit with luck and some times 2 in 1 attack.

2-on the other hand: most of the times you don't have time to hit the enemy 10 times for 10% extra damage to reach to 100% a luck can give u. The enemies will finish you. so if u can get a luck in the first 3 rounds that can change the whole battle.

you can argue on the first reason but no way to pass around the second one.
2-on the other hand: most of the times you don't have time to hit the enemy 10 times for 10% extra damage to reach to 100% a luck can give u.

you can argue on the first reason but no way to pass around the second one.
What matters are first hits. With orcs, if you don't get luck in first 2 hits, it means 20% less range (or wathever) dead. What people forget is, the 10% are cumulative; getting 1 luck in 8th hit is badder than 8 hits earlier with extra dmg, because 8 earlier hits would have allowed to kill more, so you'll have more units alive too (more base dmg output, and more HP). And the 10% dmg accumulated with full stack of wolves or wathever, will far surpass a mere double dmg of a stack at, say, 20% of his strenght. So, yes, luck is more impressive than offense, and sometimes it'll give the feeling that it saved you. Sometimes, that's a false feeling. Sometimes, you can "waste" your luck (on that reguard, in PvP, luck on wolves is overkill; hardly any stack survive or is left with decent HP after 3 hits); you can only nominally waste offense extra dmg.

I don't like the idea that a specific luck hit allowed you to win. Sometimes, you win (or loose) because of (lack of) luck. With offense, you always win (or loose) because of you.

It's "lose". :D
Hey, is it worth it putting +1 luck at talents instead of cold blade at PvPs?

Depends. If you already have a ton of cold damage from enchantments then Cold blade will not be as effective as Luck. Something about elemental damage calculation that was discussed elsewhere. If you already have luck from artifacts and you don't have cold damage coming from other sources, then Cold blade may be a better choice. I'll try to have both if possible although I'll probably pick Retribution before Cold blade and go crazy with Morale rings but that's already off topic. XD
to Geryon, well done man.
rather than answering main question, you are commenting of others answers.

to dogegs:
you can take 1 luck with amulet and put the points on cold blade.
every additional % make barb even more fierce.
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