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AuthorLevel 7 Demon Talent Choice
I am inquiring about my alt, which just hit level 7. At level 6, I used BO + Battle Fury.

However, at level 7, I could keep that and add Hellfire, or take Advanced Fortune.

I am leaning towards Battle Fury + Hellfire, but with no SP, I feel like Hellfire is really bad, only 7 damage for 5 Mana, when instead I could be using that 5 Mana for spells which do much more damage.

So, I suppose the main question is whether or not it's a horrible idea to just take Battle Fury, and leave the other 6 talent points unspent. Or would Advanced Fortune be better? (this is for GB's)
i think advanced fortune is better than hellfire in your case.
hellfire is use to boost the damage of magic demon so it is useless if you dont have any spellpower and knowledge.

ps: you could just create a demon topic in the ggf forum instead of Q&H
i think you should keep battle fury and not even get hellfire cause you could be using that 5 Mana for spells which do much more damage.

battle fury by itself would still be better than advanced luck
Hellfire needs mana, so you will loose some attack points for a little fire damage. Imo it is of no use, better have BO + Battle Fury.
There is a specific topic for this question in general game forum
Or go mage with Chaos magic
Assuming that you're talking about PvP, take Hellfire. It doesn't cost you anything, since your extra talent points are wasted anyway. You don't even have to put any point into Knowledge. If you play against someone with mana (wizards, necro), your spawns will get you some mana.

I was a demon at that level, and I found that Hellfire was the best way to put those 6 talent points to use.
advanced luck + amu of luck would have been great but at lvl 7 you would wear pendant of despair
so better get bo+bf + hellfire if you cant get any other skill (just as side step)
ps: you could just create a demon topic in the ggf forum instead of Q&H[/quote

There is a specific topic for this question in general game forum

Please, go find it for me. Last time I tried starting a new Demin faciton topic, it got locked immediately.
hmmm not sure why it quoted that last sentence, it should have just been normal font....
Please post questions concerning demons in the "General Section".
There is a new thread created.
closed by Warwick-the-wiz (2012-07-17 03:19:44)
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