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AuthorTeamly experience allocation
you can put the ckeck for Teamly experience allocation: for example when you do a "random" GB but you cant do it when you make it "optional" why not? i have a friend that i do GB's with but since i'm a buffer i get x3 less exp and fsp than my partner -__-
check* sorry
Can you re frame the question?
He is suggesting a new game balance...

"Everyone take same, exp/fsp on each team"

Mhmmm, some times, I get horrible panthers which suicide all troops without kill atleast 15% of enemy army... And all left to me take the rest...

Some times I win, some times not, I think shouldn't be fair some one which have not colaborate for anything on the game get same amount of reward, of players did most work.

It's true, buffers/debuffers get less exp/fsp. But it's not even close to 3x less, unless your build/playstyle isn't working well.

Also buffers/debuffers are the first to take advatange of they own spells.

Maybe a new system which gives extra exp/fsp for buffers/debuffers players could be something to think about, but definitely not change the ratio of teams.
why can't you check the box for Teamly experience allocation when you make a GB optional? what is the difference between optional and random that teamly exp allocation cannot be used in optional?
what is the difference between optional and random

Optional - You make the rules of the battle
- how many players will be on your team.
- how many players will be onenemy team.
- levels restrictions, etc.

Also it's a good way, to fight with friends on sameside.

Random - The name saids all, everyone will go randomly, good to get faster fights, not good to play with friends since they could be on enemy team.

why can't you check the box for Teamly experience allocation when you make a GB optional?

Because this system don't exist yet :)
It's true, buffers/debuffers get less exp/fsp. But it's not even close to 3x less, unless your build/playstyle isn't working well.

me and my friend in min AP vs Full AP and min AP 2vs2:

i got 1150 exp, my teammate got 5500 exp.
i was the reason we won that game, dealing the most damage does not always win the battle, casting evasion and stoneskin and distracting the enemy so your teammate won't die wins the battle.

i definitelly think something should be done about this. like a new system which gives extra exp/fsp for buffers/debuffers

my build/playstyle is working EXTREMELY well, but what isnt well is the amount of exp and fsp i get
you cant suggest a new system which gives extra exp/fsp for buffers/debuffers players. its forbidden.
About your fight I think both did their own job, and both colaborate to win.
You could not win without your friend chaos damage and army power, and he could not survive without your buffs, and will make less damage too.

But the think is, If you want suggest something, must be on "ideas and suggestion" forum, but some kinds of suggestions which ask for new system balanceament, are forbidden as cakur said.

So you can 2 things in my opnion.

1 - Try play more offensive, use and abuse your guardians surviving power.
2 - Just live with it, the most important on battlefield is enjoy the battle, the exp/fsp isn't the primary reason for make that, because it's already a poor rate.
alright thanks everyone
closed by Lord Gangstarr (2012-07-21 00:57:48)
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