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Authoritem dura
if i use my pendant of despair 11/60
until 0/60

will i still egt same sell price to empire
No, price will be less.
Price of selling art (from artshop) to Empire = usual cost of art with maximal durability * (0,85-0,2*(maximal durability - durability now)/maximal durability).
Then once I repair
Price will be same right?
Then once I repair
Price will be same right?

Price will be higher or lower depending on how many combats can you do with that artifact. If you can do more then 11 fights, price will be higher. If you repair but can do only ...let's say 5 combats, then the price will be lower.
what SirMorphius is saying is if you get a smith that can repair it at 20% (12 durability) or higher, it will cost more. but dont forget repairing costs money
This might help you to calculate the repair cost. (from LITWINS site)

i mean last time i had a
medal of bravery 11/29 sell for ex: 1k gold
medal of bravery 0/29 sell for 1k gold ex
prices are just examples
i dont know about repaired arts, but for non repaired items, this is the formula:

you buy full durability artifact in the artifact shop for [x] gold
if you sell this item full durability in your inventory, you will sell it for 0.85*[x]

if you sell this same artifact in your inventory with 0 durability, you will sell it for 0.65*[x]

dont know about repaired items
Are you sure that prices were exactly equal? Difference can be small, but it should be. For example, ring of dexterity 0/10 can be sold for 325 gold, while 4/10 for 365.
Yes they are equal
Yes they are equal

I doubt it. More likely, you misremembered.
It is always good to use all durability down to 0 before selling it to Empire.

You will get less for the item each time it is repaired. It is very complicated to calculate if it is economical to repair an item, but generally a few repairs are economical if the smith gives a good deal.

You can use the ROCA spreadsheet to analyze the economical consequences of repairs.
Check this out:

Medal of bravery with 0/x dura sales price to empire decreases by 42-44 gold after each repair.

So the value of item after repair is not always higher than before it if it is repaired by 10% or maybe even 20% smith.
i mean last time i had a
medal of bravery 11/29 sell for ex: 1k gold
medal of bravery 0/29 sell for 1k gold ex
prices are just examples

im sure you are see wrongly. a new medal of bravery has 25 durability. and logically, an art with 11/29 dur will be more value than 0/29 one.
closed by Lady hpsim (2012-07-22 02:27:40)
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