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Authorhappened to me long time ago
why did this happen i just remembered it :


we both lost but i won . he got more exp , but i won , and lost . please explain
very funny.
Indeed shows escort can be a little funny.
This way eplf wud have won the battle had he run away with sprites instead of attacking swords
Its a Draw... that is one of the rare cases that happens... Exp is generated by the way you play: more kills(damage) and less loose. i don't know the exact method
no u didnot won it was a tie
i almost won , but escort , i think that it should have made me won , because he was defeated first
It's a "Draw", all right. But someone has to chosen as the "winner". Guess it was you. XD
since no one win, is a draw.
similar topic is being discussed at
I think the amount of exp is given according, the army size and enemy AP holding...

That will decide the fsp/exp ratio.

As you're knight (more creatures settement) and fight agains't one elf (Less creatures settlement) That's could explain why he take more exp than you.

For the simple reason, he could kill more army than you did...

Since this is a Draw, not a normal win that's should be the formule applied, also some factions with bigger settlements gives more exp than factions with smaller settlement... As default.
As you're knight (more creatures settement) and fight agains't one elf (Less creatures settlement) That's could explain why he take more exp than you.

You have it backwards. He was the elf. His opponent, who got more exp, was the knight.

The knight got more exp because he was more heavily equipped (more AP).
closed by Lady hpsim (2012-07-23 01:13:16)
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