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AuthorImprovements in Chat
1)Need a PING button,if used then the player who is pinged will hear a sound(if sounds are on)
If something has to be done urgently this feature can help
2)A button to see the highlighted messages in a separate window
If this button is clicked all the messages that are highlighted will appear n the rest won't & you all know how this can help
3)Some more smileys like coffee,can't watch,scared,excited
etc. can be added n it will be great :)
1) -1, will be abused so bad and simply make people get banned more
2) +1, basically a filter
3) +1, pointless but cool :)
How about we put the chat thing on the right side of the screen instead of the bottom?
1)Need a PING button,if used then the player who is pinged will hear a sound(if sounds are on)
If something has to be done urgently this feature can help

Need this badly
good one buddy.
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