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AuthorEnroll Penalty
To relief it, Need to win a combat.
Is there more addition fact?

I just thought one need to win a combat with .5fsp minimal

but I relief it just winning a combat without .5 fsp
To say , I don't even get .2 fsp in this winning combat but the penalty just relief.

But I also just found that I can't relief with a win of battle with .02 fsp
Yes. The latest Grand Update (2), made it so that you have to get 0.5 to relieve it fully.

Getting less than 0.5fsp relieves the penalty partially. So 0.05fsp for a win would relieve the penalty for 1 enrollment. That is why your 0.02fsp did not relieve it.

6) The workaholic penalty is now completely relieved only in case if the lord receives at least 0.5 skill points in the victorious combat. Otherwise, only a fraction of the penalty is relieved, proportional to the FSP received.
The problem solved
closed by Lady firegaara (2012-07-29 15:01:54)
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