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Author | What should I do if my character blocked. |
Blocking - the complete cessation of access to the game character. Used as the death penalty for serious violations of the rules of the project -
The most common reasons for blocking:
A. Multovodstvo - violation of rules of the additional characters.
This includes draining money from cartoons to the base, joint combat the primary and secondary account, the excess of the allowable number of characters, etc.
Two. Multilogin / password transmission - a few different characters (!) People are at the same time in the game with one computer.
The simultaneous presence of two characters in the game from one computer to indicate that one person controls them, thereby violating the rules of paragraph banning of co-management account.
That in future such misunderstandings did not arise at the end of the game, press the button "Exit" (, which is located at the bottom right of the character on the page, not just close the browser. | It is worth noting that the characters of one person (ie, main and auxiliary), this is not prohibited.
Three. PBC - the spread of malicious links.
Malicious links - links to make money on the Internet, the "bots", "hacks" on other online projects, programs on the game from the unauthorized authors, the forbidden nature of the materials, extraneous advertising, etc.
4. Written nickname of another character (for example, Vasya_Pupkin [5]).
This means that the reason for the block of your character you will find in its transmission protocol, the reason for his blocking. For example, if it says "Has laid password" - then you saw it and went for his character, or play with him from one computer. All crossing over IP carefully recorded. | 6. Nothing is written.
This means that the owner has the character himself is well aware of that block. Usually, it is clear from the record or transmission of the nickname. Also, often without the signature of low-level blocked cartoons.
If you believe that the lock is faulty, that will be able to convince the administration and - write a character spokesman ( This can be done with the third level, when it becomes available personal mail (to dial the third level if you want to be in a few hours), or through friends / soklanov.
In a letter to try to briefly and competently as clearly set out the situation. Try to describe everything without unnecessary emotions, multiple exclamation points, highlighted text, caps, etc.
In the subject line is necessary to specify the essence of the request (letter no subject can not be read).
Unlocking because "I do not know" or "I will not" is not done - there is not a kindergarten.
If after a few days of sending the letter there is no answer - so it is negative. | closed by Lord hoolygan (2012-08-11 18:52:50) |
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