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AuthorBest upgrades (all tiers)
cross bows are good for hunt still not good as shrews so they are batter but cross and shrews are both useless in pvps so i would say efk is good for hunt and for pvp.....
Bezerkers madness if nice but i like nchorites better

Skele legionnaires (I know they dont really count, but they look so awesome!)
but cross and shrews are both useless in pvps
Shrew is one of the best PvP units....
Tier 1-hobs
Tier 2-shrews
Tier 3-orc chiefs
Tier 4-anchorites
Tier 5-brilliant uni
Tier 6-invokers

they r the best but tier 2 culd have been any of the 3-
shrews efk xbows
Tier 1- Sprite
Tier 2- Crossbowmen
Tier 3- EFK
Tier 4- Berserkers
Tier 5- Brilliant unicorns
Tier 6- Paladin
Tier 7- Ancient behemots

efk tier 3 ? nice
Tier 1- Sprite
Tier 2- shrew
Tier 3- GMB
Tier 4- Berserkers
Tier 5- Brilliant unicorns
Tier 6- Invoker
Tier 7- Ancient behemots
No matter if you look at it from the perspecive of PvM or PvP there can be no doubt that skeleton bows is the singlest most important upgrade among Tier 1 units, maybe even among all tiers.

The reason: Imagine yourself beeing forced to play with the non upgraded unit instead and compare it with the upgraded one. Skeleton bows have the strongest impact on succes and playing style over all.

Among tier 2 I put my lot with shrews. Again the impact on success and playing style regardless of hunt or pvp is overwhelming. While efk and crossbows are very good by themself they do not have such a large general impact.
tier 1 - skeleton archers - they strongly change the tactics;
tier 2 - xbows/efk - mostly differ comparing to non-up;
tier 3 - guards/ursary/apparitions/cerbs - strongly power their factions after they appear
tier 4+ i cant judge
t1: skele.bow
t2: shrew
t3: guard/ursa
t4: vampire count
t5: cleric
t6: invoker/death herald
t7: titan(for might wiz)/shadow dragon
t1 skel bow
t2 shrew
t3 appa(almost 150% increase in hp compared to ghost)
t4 royal grif
t5 im not sure, but it is between cleric and brill uni
t6 invokers/paladins
t7 shadow dragons
2. Inf zombies are amazing.
T1 - Skelly bows.
T2 - Enchanted gargoleys ('cause of new resistances, HP and speed, they are wizard's heart in lots of battles)
T3 - Guardians/Orcs chiefs
T4 - Vamps/lores
T5 - Uni
T6 - Paladin
T7 - Titans/Black dragons
1) skelies
2) xbows
3) guards
4) as. lizards/vamps
5) clerics
6) sibyls
7) black dragons :3
1 skel bow
2 shrew/wolf raider
3 frontier ursary
4 anchorites
5 hell horses
6 invokers
7 jade dragon
1 Hob Goblin
2 Shrew / Crossbowmen
3 Grandmaster Bowmen
4 Anchorites
5 Brilliant Unicorns
6 Cyclops
7 Titans
Ok thought some more about it and here are my favourites (remember this is not about the best overall upgraded unit in that tier but rather which is the best upgrade as in which unit gets the best enhancement.

Tier 1
Skeletal bowman
as explained above transformation of a melee unit into a ranged unit +50% damage increase surely is the best upgrad.

Tier 2
While there are lots of good upgrades in this tier I think shrews are the best. +1speed allowing to reach enemy row from starting position + new ability no retal make a decent melee unit (rogues) into one of the best tier 2 units. As above this upgrade has substantial influence on the balance of force for DE's be it hunt or pvp (if you think shrews are weak because they are shot first - think again. Obviously the most dangerous units have to be killed first).

Tier 3
While almost all units in this tier get a very decent upgrade e.g. appas and guards with massive hp increase or orcs and gmb with decent damage + hp +knockback, I think that cerberi surely is the best upgrade. Increased speed from 7 to 8 enables direct attack from starting zone additionaly they benefit from new "no retaliation" and "spray attack". Together with the 25% damage increase this are 3 very strong enhancemnets in one unit.

Tier 4
Again some very good upgrades in this tier especially for caster units with new spells which are very important for PvP and also good for PvM. My choice would be mistress none the less, +50% hp and due to new ability scattering shot +87,5% damage output. This gives demon the much needed fire power thus strongly improving his prowess in PvP and PvM.

Tier 5
+5 attack +5 defense +35%hp and most importantly new ability "blind" silver unicorn surely is the best upgrade in this tier. Especially if you also take into consideration how easy elfes can get soldiers luck. Thus strongly increasing the chance to blind the victim. Blind beeing in itself one of the strongest triggering abbilites by itself, no retaliation from target stack, no gain of initiative for target stack, reduced retaliation and it is caculated after the damage is done (in contrast to stun which calculates beforehand). On top of it, now you can't even get rid of it by using chaos magic (neither from your team nor even from opposing team! - this newly introduced change for this abbility is totaly flawed in my opinion).

Tier 6
Very hard to tell which unit improves the most in this tier but considering the +2attack and +2defense togerther with +20% damage and +5%hp and also the "harvest soul" abbility (most useful for removing any buffs from target) I would vote for death heralds (but maybe i'm not objective here :-))
So if anyone else would put paladins forward I could agree as well.

Tier 7
Titans are an obvious choice as it changes a melee unit into a range unit but I don't know how many wizards go for might in lvl 15. For a caster this is not as usefull. Also black dragon is a very strong upgrade with total imunity to magic a good special abbility.
But interestingly I find shadow dragons the best impovement. +1 speed, a negliable +7%hp (but you already have lots of them since you have double number of other tier 7/8 units = 300/320hp), +33% damage (strongest increase of all tier8) and two new abbilites, "cursing attack" = -9 attack for enemy stack on attack and retal and "demoralising presence" = -1 moral for all enemy stacks as long as dragons remain active on the field.
The later one beeing a very strong special in my opinon. BTW no battle experience with tier8 uppgrades so just theoretical thoughts

1)skeletal bowman
5)silver unicorn
6)death herald
7)shadow dragon

Tier 1: Skeletal bowmen.
Most useful tier 1 creature. Sprites and spawns are also useful, but not as much. Mountain sentry - very useful, but it almost never needed up from level 8.
Tier 2: Shrews.
No comments. No DE will live without them on 8+ levels. Same usefulness are elite fk, but they can be replaced with sprites a bit, and master spearmen are good for both range and melee.
Tier 3: Guardians.
First - shield allies, a good support for crossbowmen. Then they're way more durable if you'll recruit max guardians to your army. Frontier ursary is also useful because of good stat increase and paw knock, and apparitions too - major hp increase, drain mana is more than enough. The reason why they're third is because it's not profitable to raise them anymore because of hp.
Tier 4: Lorekeepers.
Same as tier 3 - major hp increase. Plus Chastise, Fireball and Intellectual vigour, which saves a lot of mana in combat. Anchorites are good because of their damage, mana convey and better stone skin spell, and another good stack are imperial griffins - no more problem with grandmaster bowmen or some annoying shooters in mercenary guild.
Tier 5: Clerics
About 50% hp increase and three buffs to your army. What more can you want?
If your hero is buffer, then this just saves your mana. Remember about hp increase, it also helps, and it's hard to break through both clerics and guardians. Then archliches - opposite to clerics, debuffers with good damage, and the third are ladons - lot of hp and massive six-headed attack.
Tier 6: Ironroot treefolk
Take roots makes them very durable, so nobody can break through to your bowmen. More damage, and a bit more hp. Mostly because of take roots. Then death heralds - good in killing tier 6-7 creatures in group battles or sometimes in MG or hunting, and pit demons - same thing but the damage goes in addition to basic damage.
Tier 7: Magma dragons
Slow dragons, but they has most hp out of all creatures, best defence (40) and magma-shield, which reflects 40% of taken damage!
Then black dragons - second as strong creature in game, and then titans - if only wizards have more attack, but they can deal a bit enough damage in group battles, and this stack+lorekeppers+gremlins bring wizard a total of 3 shooters. Can make wizards' army stronger somewhen.
My view.. Best troops(Upgrade) in this game

tier1: Skele archers(defensive) and hobs(offensive)
tier2: enchanted gargs (def) and shrews (off)
tier3: F ursary(def) and orcs(off)
tier4: anchorites(def+spell) and lores(spells)
tier5: clerics (def+spell) and nightmare(off)
tier6: Iron-root(def) and paladin(off)
tier7: magma Dragons(def)and jade dragons(off)
This topic is long since last update and considered obsolete for further discussions.

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