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AuthorWizard Faction, stats, talents and tactics
can anyone give me the talent set for level 9 ?
and any other tips and stuff u'd like to give are welcome...
Level 9, a great level for wizards =)

For PvP, my talents were expert socery + basic erudition, or full chaos magic. Don't take mana recovery, I think it is better take erudition and put 1 point in kn, if you need.

In settle, I prefer to let a full stack of genies, and split magi than otherwise. 10 genies can deal a good damage in meele, and they survive for long.

If you want help with your CG trial, pm me and I can try to help. If you are wanting more tips for PvE side, post here, and I explain better ;)
i can use all the tips that i can get

and yes i need help in CG trial

This was my battle in CG. There is some important points, for wizard, which can bring the victory for you :P

First of all, your enemy don't know how to use rise spell, take it in your advantage. I'd say for you don't take magies, they can change the battle if yours don't go before the enemy's one. So, my tip is to use max grems.

Put +1 speed for your genies, and put them in 1 side (corner), and the grems in the other, in the second line. Then, you can hit enemy's grems with genies, while his just cast spells, and still attack with yours (grems). Use few mana, 30 should be ok, 'cause when your mirror run out of mana, he will use normal attacks instead of wait.

I think, if you do it, you can win your mirror. =)
I found an example of what I meant, dont need to be a might wizard to do that:


Very good trick =)
thanks been wasting arts losing
how do i get 22 attack and 14 defence?
With might arts ;)
Gratz for passing the trial.

can u tell me the miniarts for a level 9 ?

and any strategies in battle

which faction is stronger than me in level 9?
can u tell me the miniarts for a level 9 ?

Gargs should have +speed +HP and +defense.

Golems can have +att/def and +speed, or hp, if you prefer than speed.

Magi need to survive for deal good damage, for use +def, +hp and +ini (morale is also good, but sometimes, it is better to get the first turn than have a useless burst, when your creature is almost dead).

For genies, I use +def, +morale and +ini. You can also prefer to use attack instead of ini/morale.

and any strategies in battle

Wizard strategy, survive with troops, cast with hero. :P

which faction is stronger than me in level 9?

You can beat all factions, even if they have great magic shield. Wizard in level 9 is just too strong if played well =)
and any strategies in battle
My strategy for lvl 9 was not in battle but before battle: get a lot of defence (I had 19 if I remember well), so you can use all your mana. (I am talking about full AP battles, as wizard usually is very bad with min AP unless it's a might wizard).

I think barb is stronger than you if he knows how to play.
how do i defeat a might necro with high magic resistance?
at CG
how do i defeat a might necro with high magic resistance?

Is this battle, right?


I think you should kill ghosts with lighting (not with troops), and let skellybow there (they will be probably delay or cursed, and as they have lots of HP, better kill others first). Your troops are there to defend, put your gargs in a corner and defend with them and fly away when zombie come. Don't attack with them, your hero do this job(maybe genie can help). Try to kill ghosts and vampires as fast as possible.


Here is one with full skelly, I think it is a good example. But, he hasn't cape of winds, so it was easier for me.
thanks sworks

any tips here?
closed by _Sworks_ (2012-10-29 22:59:37)
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