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AuthorAdd missing characters for captcha code
As you may know, there are a lot of characters (letters and numbers) missing from captcha code in enrolling only due to old system with small letters. Now that the captcha code consist in capital letters, there isn't possible to misread anyting, so if all the letters and numbers could be available for enrollment code it will be a good idea.
Current available characters in captcha are: a, c, e, g, h, k, m, n, p, q, s, u, v, w, x, y, z; 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9
Unavailable: b, d, f, i, j, l, o, r, t; 0, 1, 7
PS: if there are some mistakes in my list above please tell, but as far as I remember this is currently the situation.
And if this seems a good idea, I'll post it in ru forum too.
I thought the reason for the removed characters was that they only used the ones available at both the English and Russian keyboards. I don't know any Russian so I might be wrong.

I fail to see the benefit with the purposed change. See local rule 4:
4. Any idea should have a purpose and describe the means of it's realization. It should also answer the question: "Why it needs to be done?".
Purpose: changing the monotony of the same typed characters, introducing new ones (which had to exist in the first place, so my idea was pointless then) will bring a bit of thrill in lowm world. Not for everyone i know, but for those heavy enrollers who can see something 'new' in their daily routine.
i think i once typed 'bad' as a part of the code so they do have b & d
Not for everyone i know, but for those heavy enrollers who can see something 'new' in their daily routine.


Some of the codes are amusing though
I got s0coo1 once :)
if after this implemented, then someone will request symbol added. like !@#$%^&*()_+| .........

I dont see any benefits from this idea but a potential for many more incorrectly entered codes. Very important if you buy an art to get a place in a good facility only to miss out because it takes too long to enter the correct code.

No one expects enrolling to be a "fun" activity.
@8 I'm pretty sure that hardly anyone will miss the enroll spot in these times with 500 players online.
The fun activity comes from the new letters added, which can make possible some new codes combinations and frankly I would like to see R, B, D and others.
And my idea can be considered more likely as a suggestion and since topic name is "Ideas and suggestions" I can't find other area to put it.
And btw, missreadings can be made even now (Z and 2 or Y and V).
i dont know why everybody is getting too much into this topic.
it doesn't matter what you type to enroll. just have good eyes to see wat is written down there and enjoy the gold.
i got xxpusy once :P
i had posted that image..
i really don't care.. about what the captcha
n i highly doubt it will make the game more amusing
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