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Authorhow much players participate on st? calculation
how can i calculate how much player participate on survival tournament?
I want to calculate it using gold:

level 7
Current prize:
Incentive prize:

Participation cost:
103,680/1200 = 86,4 = 86 players?
Reason: i want to know, would i hit top 10%
Nope. I think part of the gold go for main and other part for incentive (maybe it is in tournament pade in about the game section). But, the normal averege of players at this level shoudn't be higher of 40 players. So, you probably will need to achieve the third or fourth place to get it (or second/first if you can).

1) Empire sets a basic prize and an incentive prize for every tournament.
2) The basic prize can consist of gold, artifacts and diamonds. The incentive prize can only consist of gold.
3) 20% of all admission fees are added to the basic prize. 80% of admission fees are added to the incentive prize.
4) Main prize on each level is split into 50%, 30% and 20% and distributed between 1st, 2nd and 3rd place respectively.
5) Incentive prize is split equally between top 10% participants.

So the amount of players is
I = original incentive prize
E = current incentive prize
P = gold to enter tourny
N = amount of players

(E-I)/(0.8*P) = N
108 players have participated
No Barbmaster you are wrong
Read my post and don't jump to conclusions
You simply took the incentive prize and divided it by the (cost*0.8). You have to remember that Empire also contributes to the incentive prize at the beginning of the tournament
no empire does not the incentive is zero before tourney starts
no empire does not the incentive is zero before tourney starts

So, explain for us how the prize is so big, with so few players:


Main: 232,160
Incentive: 128,640

Competitors total: 23
does somebody knows the original incentive prize?
for barbmaster:
1) Empire sets a basic prize and an incentive prize for every tournament.

This is from the game rules, please don't make stuff up
Barbmaster seems to be correct.

for _Sworks_:
The incentive prize is made up of all competitors over the factions in level 7. Not just the 23 competitors in the knight faction.

There are 144 x 1200 entry fee and 80% of that goes towards the incentive prize. Take into consideration that some players pay one entry fee and participated in more than one faction, then you will probably get 138,640 gold for the incentive. All made up of player contributions.
And here is a better conclusion.

I decided to count up the level 15s who played in the last ST. There were 57 total competitors. But 44 unique competitors who paid the entry fee, as 13 got results in more than one faction.

So 44x3500 entry fee, is 154000 gold. 80% of 154000 is 123200 gold. Which is the total amount in the incentive prize from the last tournament. https://www.lordswm.com/tournaments_hist.php?tour=79&tid=993&race=1

Therefore, there was no added gold to the incentive prize here.

Now, my conclusion is guesswork. But I assume it may have been that Empire added an incentive prize to the first couple of Survival Tournaments. When there were large numbers of competitors competing, so the incentive prize was greatly diluted. However, now that there are fewer people competing and on some levels only 1 or 2 players might split the incentive prize of 120000 or more, then it makes no sense to add additional gold into the prize as a few players are just going to earn a larger sum.

Now to answer the original poster's question;

It is not possible to calculate whether you will be in the top 10%. Even if you manage to calculate the total number of competitors competing, based on the incentive prize, you cannot determine how many are competing in your faction at your level.
The incentive prize is made up of all competitors over the factions in level 7. Not just the 23 competitors in the knight faction.

Really? Didn't know it. Sorry for the misleading information...
thank you for detailed explanation =)
closed by ULTRA_XEROX (2012-09-17 01:38:50)
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