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AuthorWhat you do if that happen to you?
[Post deleted by moderator BrownBear // Forum rule 5.1. Administration's actions and decisions are not subject to discussion.]
Guys, please do not discuss about rules as this is not allowed.

I just wanted to give an example. =)

And remember, this is monarchy, not democracy. Empire makes the rules, not you. We just follow.

Sad part, but true. But, when I look in finance and others section, I feel as if we were in an anarchy. Imo... :/
[Post deleted by moderator BrownBear // Forun rule 5.1. Administration's actions and decisions are not subject to discussion.]
remember, this is monarchy, not democracy. Empire makes the rules, not you. We just follow. .
The hardest part -.-
Better point out the changes precisely so we can do something about the :)

That's a very good question!

The changes I want to see are...

- More events.
- Easier rates of things, that will make game more funny and less paranoic on stats.
- More commitment from administration part, they should show they care.
- Admins talking to us directly, talking about news, asking suggestions and even say why they can't so something, that's could make people understand some things better and also they could get help that's not impossible too.
- Rules applied on fair way, wihout people getting so sereve penalities, and others getting "immune" to they.

That's what I want.

But what changes YOU GUYS want to see? That's something to we reflect about...

What you could make this server better?

Schwarzenegger: I know you have a opnion about me, but that's not change the fact how the things are right now.

But if you exist on it, I suggest you do the same I'm doing now, I really want to see changes, good changes on this server.
The changes I want to see are...

- More events.
- Easier rates of things, that will make game more funny and less paranoic on stats.
- More commitment from administration part, they should show they care.
- Admins talking to us directly, talking about news, asking suggestions and even say why they can't so something, that's could make people understand some things better and also they could get help that's not impossible too.
- Rules applied on fair way, wihout people getting so sereve penalities, and others getting "immune" to they.

In short, U want the merge
monarchy, not democracy.

I think this point is open to personal opnion.

I think if we have a "open" forum, which we can talk and discuss things, a forum which we can suggest new updates, a game without restriction of country which everyone could PLAY FOR FREE and mostly important rules to make things fair.

I considerate it as democracy, but of course other people could have a different opnion about it, I respect.
In short, U want the merge

I don't see how this merge could solve all our problems...

I mean no one here's talk russian and don't know what's going on their forum, and if their administrarion really care with players there...

And other thing, it's not change the fact they could do this, without a need of this merge, the only thing is need is a HUGE GOOD WILL to make things better.
I think if we have a "open" forum

We dont :(
See above posts deleted by BB :\
I don't see how this merge could solve all our problems...

Like this

- More events.
If merged with .ru, we wud have them automatically

- Easier rates of things, that will make game more funny and less paranoic on stats.
They have that
Merge wud bring us that too

- More commitment from administration part, they should show they care.
- Admins talking to us directly, talking about news, asking suggestions and even say why they can't so something, that's could make people understand some things better and also they could get help that's not impossible too.

.ru has more admin attention as we all now
Cud solve this problem

- Rules applied on fair way, wihout people getting so sereve penalities, and others getting "immune" to they.

Thts a democracy
Every right will be protected

I mean no one here's talk russian
If servers merge, we will have auto transit page
See above posts deleted by BB

He HAVE to do this, because they rules say so, and he is a moderator, he won't make the rules.

But we are free to express our filling if we "minimize" a little the words used.

My thread ins't deleted and this is a good signal. I think everyone want to see good changes here.

About the merge thing... I don't know what exactly will happen some good things will come, but I don't expect all be solved.

More events yes.
More battle yes. (That's should affect the rate of status on indirectly way, but not enough)

.ru has more admin attention as we all now

Should be good to see both admins teams working together, but let's remember we are a minority part, they will really care with us? Make devides changes to accept us?

I don't know, we just can expect they do.

But I miss and I want a leadership comming from administration or at least for some one with they will listen, to talk to us, and listen us.

If servers merge, we will have auto transit page

Hope so, if not we have google crome =)

Anyway leaving thread for you guys.
Actually, we do have a relatively open forum.

If some Mods are trying to preach otherwise then that is because they are mistaken.

See Forum Rule 5.2 A moderator can be wrong.

Im sorry you guys lost me there. What is this thread about again?
I personally think the Merge will solve most of the problems presented and I am excited for it. After the merge it would be nice if there was an english and a russian forum. I still struggle to understand the russian forum even with a translator.
Yes, new situation (merge) will solve many old problem and make many new problems ;)

That is life :D
Im sorry you guys lost me there. What is this thread about again?

This is about, little complains to administration.

Rules aren't working proppery.

Also I added some things which I desire to see, on post 25. Like administration leadership, events, more participative adms, re thinking of currently rules if they really want the currently one, they should hunt down everyone which break any kind of rules without any privilenge to nobody, and make devides penalitys not just banning or maybe change some rules which aren't working well, I have few examples on my profile.

In general it's a open thread which everyone is free to express whatever they want to.

Since the main goal here is try to bring changes.


Yup I'm excited with merge too guys, It's gonna be really funny =)

will solve many old problem and make many new problems ;)

I think some currently problems can be solved without the need of merge, just need a good will to try something new, a poll for ask players opnion should be a great start to have a "base"
Actually, we do have a relatively open forum.

If some Mods are trying to preach otherwise then that is because they are mistaken.

See Forum Rule 5.2 A moderator can be wrong.


I didn't saw the posts, I just supose there are something which aren't allowed to post...

Anyway, you're a nice player Grunge I saw some times you helping lot of people on Q&H and GGF, I know you're only trying help here too.
- Grusharaburas: Same as above buddy, there's no place to search anything here, no thread/forum or sellers, of this kind of stuff, we don't even have many players which have a good enchanting skill...

If you're talking about shop artifacts, you can check the artifact shop for prices. If you want to get the approximate price of an enchanted artifact, you can check the market for the prices of elements and add it on top of the artifact to calculate the "true price" of an item. You don't need to learn some esoteric branch of mathematics to do this. It's not that hard.

But if everyone be together to seek for OUR rights, we'll have changes, soon or later.

If the administration input rules to make the game more fair and funny, it's OUR RIGHTS to seek the game fair and funny to EVERYONE, with rules working to EVERYONE.

What "rights" are you talking about? This is a private game server. Rule Zero applies. In case you're not familiar with "Rule Zero":

If you want to get the approximate price of an enchanted artifact, you can check the market for the prices of elements and add it on top of the artifact

I did it and lost 15k...

There's few rules any forum explain to us.

- Low EG level don't worth anything, will be always lost of money investiment. Only when reach EG 8+ could have something worth...
- If you enchant a poor artifact doesn't matter if you have EG 12 with full enchantment you will probabbly lose 90 - 95% of total money invest...
- Low arefact + low EG means almost no with stats, so really don't worth anything.

The artefact should cost 30k on THEORY, but in practice the real price is 2k - 5k with huge luck to find some one which want try it.

I never found nobody which teaches it for new players, maybe you're more lucky than me.


Hey buddy, what Dungeon and dragons have with common with Lords of war and money?
I really wish to find any similarity but...

If you mean admins have the right to do whatever they want, without show care, respect and even without follow the own rules they made...

I have to say: Everyone here can live without this game, even the thruth lover players which are fans for long time. It's not the only pass time in the world, everyone can make anouther things with time, maybe a sport, found anouther game, hobby, make own server, walk with friends, make a collection of Gf's, it's really don't matter what everyone do with free time, but EVERYONE COULD DO SOMETHING ELSE.

But if administration keep doing this lack of service and losing players EVERY DAY, it's simple the server will close, we can live without the server, but the server CAN'T live without us.

And still, there's nothing wrong on seek fairness, when something ins't like how should to be.
Oh yeah you said private server can do whatever they want...

I like give big examples so, there's one little game called "World of Warcraft"
For many years they listen to players and get more players every day, got 10 - 12.000.000 players, everyone was satisfect with services and won first place on MMORPG category year after year.

But nothing ins't perfect ins't it? The diretor and administration changes...
They start wanting put things very different and wihout LISTEN the players, and without care whatever they people think.

Result, 3 place on MMORPG and lacking every day, drop to 3 - 6.000.000 number of players which are still playing...

Yes this is a private server and have the right to do whatever they want, but it will really worth? It will?
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