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Author50 termagants
i got an interesting hunt.

nobody has so far defeated even 1 termagant at my lvl and faction.

the hunt is ranked yellow.

should i just play easy go go prepared with some h set etc.
get the h set
ofc with h set , but u still will be unable to beat them
ofc with h set , but u still will be unable to beat them


they"re ranked yellow
all unbeaten creatures are ranked yellow
can someone give me a link to a battle with termagants of this much amount only.
you can't do it. they have high initiative,
here it is
you can't do it. they have high initiative,

atleast dont demoralize me :/

and give me some tactics.im fighting them now.
for DarkAtom:
see here:
sry post 7 is lvl 5
here is lvl 4
sry post 7sry again post 8
barbmaster we are talking about lvl4 kinghts :P
atleast dont demoralize me :/it is not demoralizing but it is a fact. since at lvl4 you don't have much fast units and lack of magic/art/sets etc.

bad ending.im hating swords after that fight.
closed by Lord DarkAtom (2012-09-19 21:28:02)
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