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caps lock detection on login

Authorcaps lock detection on login
I think, it would be helpful, if on the login-page when you type your password and unintentionally press caps lock, the page will show you a message "caps lock key is activated".

Not really needed in my opinion

Not really needed in my opinion

Not really needed in my opinion
+1 some players may need it

Players can see if they have caps lock on when typing in their user name or they can test their keyboard output by typing into user name field.
it can happens after typing username
it an help me
+1 Its good.
+0 (in the middle)
personally i dont need it but it can be useful for other players
+1 for all blind and short sight players
it's not really needed... anyone how goes on this game must have good eyes and are smart (in my opinion) so it shouldn't be needed for awesome players like us :)
+1 for all blind and short sight players
Those players have other problems that won't be solved by in-game caps lock detection.
Next someone would suggest:
-function lock detection
-color-blind interface and formatting (throughout the entire game)
-short-sighted interface and formatting (throughout the entire game)
closed by ULTRA_XEROX (2012-10-22 20:38:29)
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