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top players

Authortop players
the top players category should have a little box at the bottom showing what position your in

Would be nice.
then why only top players and not every player :)...
for spicydevil: I understood him to mean that if you were not in top 100 it would show your actual position when you looked at top players page.

Indeed,would be nice
who cares what position you re in?
Higher position only gives you more spam mail, nothing else
alot of people care lol
You could use the Statistics page to look yourself up, it seems fairly accurate at the moment.
Yeah, the spammers according to #7 :p

I have to admit when I got kicked off the list, I got less spam :)

+1 to idea
Maybe have your name/ranking be highlighted too (for those who are in the top100).
actually most people care about ranks... i would add to it to show your faction ranking as well... maybe it can help to make players here more active as they will something to work for (that is to improve their rank)....
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