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AuthorSome suggestions for multiple characters
+ 1

Nice, but what happens if you dont sign your new character as a multi?
for DragonBlaze:
If any person finds loop holes in the system, like creating unsigned multies will be fined heavily/blocked.
+ great.i was thinking of some thing same but was lazy enough not to post it


Been suggested quite a few times before but still a good idea. Though previous threads also had a bit about playing from same IP not allowed unless you explained relationship and an automatic block on same IP transfers.

Sums it up well,doesn't it.
+ great idea :p
[Player banned by moderator ElfPride until 2013-01-20 01:32:59 // FR#1.7//Add. characters aren't allowed to post in main forums]
+ Good Job friend
Player banned by moderator Lord STB until 2014-10-23 15:27:23 // FR2.8. Archaeology. Please do not raise old threads. Make a link to them if you want to refer to them.
never gonna be implemented.
The admins want more unsigned mults. This increases the Displayed no. of players playing the game and is good for the game
I think it should be posted in ru.So that admins can notice this;)

Great idea!
+1 nice idea
[Post deleted by moderator Arcanide // Flood.]
I have a flow. Suppose you have 3 characters already...then there should be a provision to change the multi to main and main to multi. Also suppose our character is hacked our multi should be able to change to main.

Not to mention that it should be written somewhere what is 'multi' and what is 'main' to the newcomers.
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