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AuthorMerge Lordswm.com with Heroeswm.ru
wow... just had an epic lv 7 gb over in .ru...

lv 7 de(full art)+lv 7 dwarf(full art&all gear enchanted)+lv 7 DU de(full art&50% of gear enchanted) vs lv 7 elf(me)(semi full gear, mostly innit gear)+lv 7 de(full)+lv 7 elf(min ap)

amazingly, we won :)
the de on the opposing side went afk, but that was pretty much right before we won.. he only had 10 minos left and we had 8 liz, 27 fk(mine), lots of druids, and elf bows with no shots left :P
oops.. wrong forum... this was supposed to be in
:everything about .ru.. XD
for slayerofall:
This isn't ru yet :p
At least we know that we'll keep the english interface and the english forum. That's enough for me :) 
Where does it say that? I doubt we will get an english interface, but I hope we will at least get an english forum.

Maxim said it.
for Magier:
Maxim also said a lot of other things :p
Remember that he's not the only one not wanting the merge. You you can rather get the hell out of the way.

And you should remember that the person you quoted isn't the only one wanting the merge. A lot of folks played for a very long time and got their characters to a decent fsp and guild levels. Telling them they should start playing .ru is disrespectful and insulting.

I'm the 10-enrolls-1-battle guy. But I'm that guy because the conditions made me. Playing on .com now is boring as hell. Nothing to hunt, doable quests and ambushes are scarce, there are barely any updates. There's nothing left for me to do except pvp, which I don't like and don't have time for. The merge is actually the reason that keeps me playing, because once that happens my 10 enrolls and 1 battle will grant me the funds to enjoy myself when it happens.

So I fail to see the reason why some people oppose to a good change, that would give everyone the opportunity to enjoy the .ru server content. Noone forces anyone to use it. Those who don't want the changes can keep playing the way they do here and stick to the pvp they do among themselves. Nobody tells you to use new items, fight new creatures or socialize with the russians. Therefore stating that the day the merge begins is the day to quit is just a vain manifestation of one's subjective dissatisfaction.
I doubt we will get an english interface, but I hope we will at least get an english forum.

having an English interface should be realistic, technically. There are already codes for both languages in their flash code. (I don't know how to look at it, one of my friends told me about this.)

So if you know how to write a script, you can have .ru displaying english in all battles already! (My friend did it and showed me the screenshot, it was amazing. But I discouraged him to use that script because it might be illegal.)
So I fail to see the reason why some people oppose to a good change, that would give everyone the opportunity to enjoy the .ru server content. Noone forces anyone to use it. Those who don't want the changes can keep playing the way they do here and stick to the pvp they do among themselves. Nobody tells you to use new items, fight new creatures or socialize with the russians. Therefore stating that the day the merge begins is the day to quit is just a vain manifestation of one's subjective dissatisfaction.

Well, how do you know that this will be a good change? Yes, I agree. There are people who support both sides of the debate, but I am still not ready to agree that the merge will do more good than harm.
dude good or bad something has to happen to this server!

for Phil_Odaerin:
for Fo_Ol:
well i would prefer same events here which occurs in .ru rather than merge..:)

to hell with it even we wouldn't want a merge then....:D

apart from that a little more activity from the players in the absence of events would be nice!
having an English interface should be realistic, technically. There are already codes for both languages in their flash code. (I don't know how to look at it, one of my friends told me about this.)
That's exactly why I've been saying it won't happen. Not sure if you have been paying attention to the bug hunting, translations needed, or all the programming Arctic needed to do to make .ru code work on .com. But it is clear to me that the admins never .ru compatible (or programmable) with multiple languages. The .com server's English programming was painstakingly coded in line by line from .ru. This is why getting events from .ru was such a pain.

This is why I say that it is technically easier for .com to get all .ru (past and future) events/updates ported over, than to make .ru have an English interface. Awhile ago I stopped using the term "merge" and started to use the term "transfer" because that's what I see happening. They are trying to close .com server due to cost and admin time required. By transferring our characters onto .ru they can shutdown .com, but I hope they would at least take the extra step and copy/paste the .com forum coding and msgs unto a webpage in .ru. This wouldn't require much work at all, but given the obvious lack of admin support and attention .com gets, I'm not even sure if they would bother linking an active english forum for .com players on .ru.

People say I'm pessimistic, but I call this view realistic. The worst case scenario is much worse.

What I'm hoping for is that the transfer would be indefinitely postponed like so many other things here.
Well, how do you know that this will be a good change?

You are right, I don't know that. But after analysing all the pros and cons I concluded that there's more to gain, than to lose. I spent quite some time reading opinions of other players and thinking about this. Of course this is still just an opinion. But I believe it to be an opinion with solid basis.

The most often arguments against the merge are:
- disadvantage in PvP when fighting .ru characters who in general have significantly more fsp than .com characters
- technical problems
- language barrier
- personal attachment to the .com game content

The most often arguments in favor of the merge:
- large amount of new game content
- regular events
- regular updates

As far as the first point against goes, .ru has a potion that solves fsp differences between players, so .com characters wouldn't be at any disadvantage. Second issue is very broad, but from my game development experience (and yes, I do have some), generally there is no problem, that can't be somehow solved. The only issue about that is how well the solution addresses the problem.
Language barrier seems to be demonized. But we should keep in mind, that we're not going to converse about phylosophy or cutting edge medicine. We're going to communicate on a quite basic level. So this might even turn out for the best - we pick up some Russian, they pick up some English.
And the last point - well this is something that can't be overcome. But it is also a very subjective matter. Some people state that they like our map and dislike russian. But what if our map will get integrated into theirs? Have you considered that? Afterall noone excluded that possibility so far.

Sure, it would be way better to preserve .com as it is and have it gain regular events and updates. But lets be realistic. This is twice the work to do and since .com isn't mirror copy of .ru server the translate, copy & paste wouldn't suffice. On many levels, these are different games. Secondly, it's not economicaly worthwile. .ru has 10-15 times more players than .com, so in the longer perspective it's easier to transfer and integrate .com players into the .ru server, than to adjust - or perhaps even rebuild all the events for a significantly smaller community.
I got a better idea
Since some people wants the merge and some don't
Why dot the admins just allow players from com server to transfer their accept to ru server
Once u change, u cannot change back

Cause I do not want the merge
for Phil_Odaerin:
That's what I've been saying except after the merge, every update/event needs to be coded twice. A new update/event on a merged (2 languages) server is the same as a new update/event on .ru and then a port over to .com. The work done differs a bit, but the amount of work needed is almost the same.

No, the reason why .com stopped getting updates/events is because the person responsible for porting it over to .com is busy.

This is why I find it sadly funny that a merge would happen. This is like the story of starving peasants complaining of no bread to eat. And when the clueless queen heard, she commented about why aren't the peasants eating cake.

Whether an event needs to work in 2 languages on 1 server or a different language on 2 servers, it's not that much different.

1 server:
-needs extra coding for multi-lingual support

2 servers:
-needs links to be changed especially since .com isn't a complete duplicate to .ru

Translation work for either option is pretty much the same. So even in the medium term the merge would require more work.

Though in the very long term it is better to have 1 multi-lingual server than multiple servers with different languages, maps, developments, mechanics, updates, etc. Just because the current haphazard pothole approach would make organization much more difficult as time passes, servers change, and additional languages are added.

But no matter what the admins decide, they clearly need more help whether they do nothing, merge, or transfer. And it would be a great benefit if they could do more planning and design things better.

Actually keeping one game code makes things a lot easier and simpler for the developers. With two versions the work never will be the same. Every time changes are applied to one version, they need to be adjusted and applied to the other code. And this is just about the game code. I agree that the translation work is the same in both cases - but this is game developers independent field done by some external party. What is different is the complexity of introducing the multi-lingual text content into the game.

So the result is:

1 server
Programming one code
Writing text content and translation to English
Easy adding text entries to the database lingual tables

2 servers
Programing .ru code
Reprogramming and adjusting .com code
Writing text content and translation to English
Wearisome manual changes of the text in the code.

Also since .ru and .com aren't exact copies, with time the differences would become very complex, and 2 servers development model would fail. In the very long term certain elements of each game code would have to be developed independantly of another, while others would require serious adjustments, because what works on .ru, might not work with .com game code due to those accumulating differences.

But in the end what we're doing here is just theoretical debate based on many assumptions. I don't know about you, but I don't know the game code structure.
You are right, I don't know that. But after analysing all the pros and cons I concluded that there's more to gain,
Actually keeping one game code makes things a lot easier and simpler for the developers.

Keyword is "keeping".
The problem is that .ru was never designed for more than 1 language. No, it isn't as simple make it out to be where you just translate a document.

With two versions the work never will be the same.
True, but the two versions aren't that much different. Even if no translations are done, as long as the links are changed then events can work on either server. Though of course one might see strange messages and have some display problems.

I agree that the translation work is the same in both cases - but this is game developers independent field done by some external party.
Wrong, unless the external party get access to the code or are working side by side with the developers to code the translated text in the proper places and format it to display properly.

What is different is the complexity of introducing the multi-lingual text content into the game.
Yep, that's a problem. This especially needs to be done well if the developers want to use more than 2 languages or if they want future coding to be less of a headache when they use more than 1 language. The entire reason why events on .com are hard to implement is because .ru coding never meant to display anything other than russian. There have been a number of times I've seen russian text glitches on .com or seen english text cutoff or garbled because the formatting was done to accommodate english.

Easy adding text entries to the database lingual tables
Yeah, they have to create those lingual tables first :p
And of course include additional parameters into it to accommodate different languages and display issues.

But in the end what we're doing here is just theoretical debate based on many assumptions. I don't know about you, but I don't know the game code structure.
Same here. But since I know some programming and I've been a long time player, I can guess at some of the game code structure based upon the output and bugs.

But no matter what happens the developers and admins need to get some help with the coding and administration. The biggest problem is their refusal to let others see the code.
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