Author | Initiative artifact |
A leather hat gives +1%. Does this mean a creature with initiative value of 9 will move up to 10 or does he only move up to 9.09. If it's the later, it doesn't seem to be much of a value bonus at all. |
he only move up to 9.09. |
for Deeptree:
If it's the later, it doesn't seem to be much of a value bonus at all.
It has a lot of bonus if in a PvP fight your troops get the first move. Just think of you magi shooting down enemies magi first ;) |
OK, I guess it can be used then to break ties on who goes first between creatures who have the same initiative value but would be useless between creatures with different initiative values. |
Actually it's still useful between creatures with different initiative values because there is a 10% deviation at the start of a battle. Because of this during the first a turn a 10 ini creature can go first before a 10.9 ini creature.
This is very useful in battles between high speed (8-9) creatures and ranged creatures. |
At higher levels, you can stack up to 20% init and if you factor in the init bonus from faction levels, you can hit 30% init boost. Is that significant now? Esp against AI which doesnt have that bonus |
he only move up to 9.09.
won't the ini. be 9.1%? |
9 + 1% of 9
9 + .09
9.09 |
Esp against AI which doesnt have that bonus
In TG they do :) |
OK, thanks for replies. |
In TG they do :)
Yup, thats why I'm getting whipped in TG :'( |
in TG lords are like real players,so they wear artifacts,and have initiative bonuses) |