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Author | So whose still alive? :) |
Are you familiar with the works of Michio Kaku by any chance?
Yes, but more because of his aspects in invisibility and teleportation.
I've heard about his stringtheory thanks to the Big Bang show on tv. (Sheldon cooper)
This is all quantum physics and mechanics, so not really my thing ;)!
Btw, did you know that a wormhole isn't bigger then the smallest mocule we know? How would you find one? How would you make it big enough you can fit in it? And how can you be sure they exist?
There is no proof that wormholes do exist. |
Yes, but more because of his aspects in invisibility and teleportation.
I've heard about his stringtheory thanks to the Big Bang show on tv. (Sheldon cooper)
This is all quantum physics and mechanics, so not really my thing ;)!
Btw, did you know that a wormhole isn't bigger then the smallest mocule we know? How would you find one? How would you make it big enough you can fit in it? And how can you be sure they exist?
There is no proof that wormholes do exist.
Haha alright,but he's a genius!
And I know. Wormholes only exist in theory | i watched the 2012 film with passion.
back to reality it is boring | Btw, did you know that a wormhole isn't bigger then the smallest mocule we know?
Prove it :p
There's no proof that wormholes aren't large.
Yes, but whats funny about that is, nuclear war, there are 3000 nuclear bombs active at this moment. If al those bombs would be dropped, there would still be humans alive! Scientist say that they prefer a nuclear war above for example one of the things I mentioned!
Only because nuclear bombs only explode outward and have trouble penetrating solid matter. So as long as people live underground or inside a mountain, then they would be safe. The nukes would just blast the surface and cause a nuclear winter for several thousand years.
About global warming, there is nothing wrong with the CO2 in the atmosfeer, it has always been there, even when the humans did not exist.
For example, at the year 1200 - 1300 there was almost twice as much CO2 in the air as nowadays.
Its a circle that keeps repeating, we humans are nothing.
Our chemical gasses don't affect the ozone layer, it happened before, the earth cleans herself up again and again. Its always been there, we just think its our fault. Its normal that temperatures changes, happened 1000 times before us and will happen 1000 times after us.
Plenty wrong with CO2, ozone layer, and temperature. We are supposed to be entering the next Ice Age, but humans have been increasing the temperature. And the ozone layer is way thinner than it is supposed to be. Instead humans have created a new ozone layer at ground level. |
If we do get visitors, this would mean that they would be like 10.000 years more evolved like us. Scientist are almost 100% certain there is no ''more'' evolved specie in our galaxy.
Alien civilizations could have started and died 10 times over by now. The universe ... well, let's just limit it to our galaxy is already several billion years old. Aliens could have evolved and died many times already. Some even speculate that intelligent species might have already naturally evolved on Earth before humans. There have been speculations that some dinosaurs, cro-magnons, and Altantians were ancient intelligent species.
Lots of other speculations on directed evolution as well such as aliens coming to Earth in the past. Or that our very ancestors were those aliens.
Scientists are barely even scratching the surface of life in our own solar system. They have no clue as to life outside our solar system except infer some planet sizes, temperature range, and probability of certain elements and molecules. All scientists have even done in our own solar system is finding water here and there, and discovering ancient bacteria on Mars.
This means if we'd ever get invaded, the 'aliens' would come from another galaxy, what means they'd be traveling for more then 28 000 lightyears in our galaxy (to reach us) and depending on there galaxy, lets take the closest galaxy to ours, the Andromeda galaxy, wich would be on a distance of more then 2.2 million lightyears.
Even if they come from another galaxy, they could have started their journey 1 billion years ago. Also faster than light travel and time travel have not been disproven yet. With either technology aliens from other galaxies can much more easily reach us. Also once we are talking about such high level technology, then we go into teleportation, space folding, parallel universes, transmission (sending data here to grow their bodies here), other methods we have yet to even imagine.
Wich means we can never get invaded by organic aliens for there is no organic specie that can get older then 10.000 years.
I know you're using the term "organic" to avoid aliens sending robots. But there's no guarantee that aliens are organic. Aliens can be inorganic (no, I don't mean mechanic bodies, but their bodies could be composed of minerals or crystals), energy, or something else.
You also seem to define "alien invasion" as just the aliens themselves arriving to our planet via spaceships. The aliens could always attack us via a number of different ways such as directly launching their weapons at us (like a missle), firing their weapons (energy), changing the course / direction of celestial bodies to either collide with us or irradiate us, affecting physical laws that we take for granted, and changing our environment. |
You also seem to define "alien invasion" as just the aliens themselves arriving to our planet via spaceships. The aliens could always attack us via a number of different ways such as directly launching their weapons at us (like a missile), firing their weapons (energy), changing the course / direction of celestial bodies to either collide with us or irradiate us, affecting physical laws that we take for granted, and changing our environment.
Why do we think that aliens "invade" Earth when we have coexisted with a lot of species and survived when those species have died
what makes us think that the aliens are here to destroy our planet??
Why would they destroy our planet???
I think psychologically we humans fear that they might be the *insert word that's synonymous with bad* part of the human species | Aliens could do a number a different things besides attacking, killing, or conquering us. But for the purposes of this topic, I only noted down alien invasion as one of the possibilities that could "end the world".
Why do we think that aliens "invade" Earth when we have coexisted with a lot of species and survived when those species have died
There are many other species in which we conquered or killed. All farm or tamed animals are our slaves. We use them for labor, food, or entertainment. Many wild animals have been driven to extinction because we destroyed their habitats or killed them.
what makes us think that the aliens are here to destroy our planet??
Now we could use humans or other lifeforms on this planet as a comparison and detail out how aliens would follow the same path, but given that they are aliens they could be nothing like anything found on this planet. So their reasoning and methods could be well beyond our comprehension.
Why would they destroy our planet???
Just a few basic reasons:
-hate us (no logic behind it)
-like us (they consider it an honor for them to kill us)
-don't care about us (we could be killed as an accident, we were in the way, etc.)
-didn't know we existed
-our resources
-their religion, culture, beliefs, philosophy, psychology, community, physiology, etc. |
There are many other species in which we conquered or killed. All farm or tamed animals are our slaves. We use them for labor, food, or entertainment. Many wild animals have been driven to extinction because we destroyed their habitats or killed them.
If they are intelligent enough i think they wud have stuck to their planet taming other creatures there rather than travel light years to do that to us.
-like us (they consider it an honor for them to kill us)
I consider those who kill for 'honor' are senseless and those who are as such wudn't be able to travel from planet to planet due to their low IQ
-don't care about us (we could be killed as an accident, we were in the way, etc.)
not possible to kill a whole planet "accidentally" (definitely not possible)
didn't know we existedThen they wudn't bother us | our resources
how do they get resources if they destroy the planet?
they wud have died half way before they reached here if they were coming in search of food and even if they reached here the planet won't be able to sustain them for a long time and i don't think they wud survive!
If they were clever enough they wud have produced their own food from their planet than travel out here.
and what if no species is compatible for 'work' or refuses to work?
even if they get labour
They wud incur losses for their maintenance and Artificial intelligence seems to be a better option
yeah! "Lets travel a few thousand light years and see how the humans scream when we kill them, it'll be fun " :D lol
-their religion, culture, beliefs, philosophy, psychology, community, physiology, etc.
probable theories for the badness of the alien community but still can't think that religion says 'kill people in an exoplanet' | If they are intelligent enough i think they wud have stuck to their planet taming other creatures there rather than travel light years to do that to us.
Always more to tame :p
Given enough technology traveling light years could be as simple as going on an airplane :)
I consider those who kill for 'honor' are senseless and those who are as such wudn't be able to travel from planet to planet due to their low IQ
Not all high IQ beings are logical, reasonable, have common sense, etc. Also IQ could be completely irrelevant given cases like autistics who can do some amazing things.
not possible to kill a whole planet "accidentally" (definitely not possible)
Have you accidentally stepped on an ant before?
Killed billions of bacteria/virus?
Heard of butterfly effect?
didn't know we existedThen they wudn't bother us
Given enough power they can more than bother us without them even realizing it. Or of course due to butterfly effect.
how do they get resources if they destroy the planet?
"destroy" doesn't mean wiped from existence. Also many people define "destroy the planet" as just rendered unsuitable (or hard) for human habitation. Besides maybe the very act of extracting resources would destroy the planet. Or wiping the planet from existence creates a resource for them.
they wud have died half way before they reached here if they were coming in search of food and even if they reached here the planet won't be able to sustain them for a long time and i don't think they wud survive!
If they were clever enough they wud have produced their own food from their planet than travel out here.
Maybe their technology enables relatively easy traveling, but not food production. Or they lack some necessary component to make food in which we have an abundance of. Or they could be looking for some delicacy. | ok u win! @~@
Still why is it that we dont seem to discuss the good part of aliens?? | and what if no species is compatible for 'work' or refuses to work?
even if they get labour
They wud incur losses for their maintenance and Artificial intelligence seems to be a better option
Many explanations here too :p
Maybe they want works of art, culture, language, religion, etc.
Or they don't believe in using AI, robots, or even machines to do labor.
Or their AI revolted and now they want an easier to control source of labor.
yeah! "Lets travel a few thousand light years and see how the humans scream when we kill them, it'll be fun " :D lol
Some people travel faraway and stay hidden in the cold and dark just to hunt some animals for sport. Others find enjoyment from kicking around a ball. And another popular activity is staring at a TV. Then there are rare individuals that just like killing people. If there are so many various forms of entertainment here, one wonders what some aliens would do :p
probable theories for the badness of the alien community but still can't think that religion says 'kill people in an exoplanet'
Why not? If their religion must be the absolute religion, then they would be wiping out all life in the universe that doesn't believe in their gods. Or their very religion states all life outside their realm of control are evil and thus must be eliminated no matter what. Or it could state that all carbon based lifeforms are evil... :p
Or their religion says that they need to kill us in order to invite us to their heaven. | Still why is it that we dont seem to discuss the good part of aliens??
Aliens could be killing us to save our souls :p
Or they need to destroy us in order to recreate the planet into a paradise for us. | lol!:] | Final Conclusion:
Alien Destructiveness is good! :] | Prove it :p
There's no proof that wormholes aren't large.
And for the same reason there is no proof wormholes acctually excist ;)!
All we can do is speculate..
Only because nuclear bombs only explode outward and have trouble penetrating solid matter. So as long as people live underground or inside a mountain, then they would be safe. The nukes would just blast the surface and cause a nuclear winter for several thousand years.
Yes indeed!
plenty wrong with CO2, ozone layer, and temperature. We are supposed to be entering the next Ice Age, but humans have been increasing the temperature. And the ozone layer is way thinner than it is supposed to be. Instead humans have created a new ozone layer at ground level.
How do you explain the large amount of CO2 in the years 1200 - 1300?
About the Ice Age Thing, so you say that because of uss humans we are heading towards a Ica Age? Because we make sure there's more CO2 in the air?
So in you're explanation the latest Ice Age, some 100.000 years ago, was started the same way because of us the humans?
100.000 years ago, the ozon layer was way thinner to due the large amount of CO2 in the air. Yet there were no humans doing anything to raise the CO2.
This is something many people forget, the earth is acctually a living thing, its repairs itself every now and then and for the same reason it destroys its self every now and then. They have proven that their have been many years were the ozon layer was thinner then he is today and for the same reason were the ozon layer is thicker then today.
Its just a never ending circle.
*/- 100.000 years ago the atmosfeer had about 5 times as much CO2 as today.
And yet, it started a Ice Age when there were no humans responsible for.
Its just one of those things that happens to our world as we know it. We humans think were everything, in fact we're nothing.
All we humans could have done, is making sure the Ice Age would perhaps start a 1000 years earlier.
Nevertheless a Ice Age will come, with or without humans.
lien civilizations could have started and died 10 times over by now. The universe ... well, let's just limit it to our galaxy is already several billion years old. Aliens could have evolved and died many times already. Some even speculate that intelligent species might have already naturally evolved on Earth before humans. There have been speculations that some dinosaurs, cro-magnons, and Altantians were ancient intelligent species.
I've heard about these theories but never read them, because acctually it creeps me out!
You also seem to define "alien invasion" as just the aliens themselves arriving to our planet via spaceships. The aliens could always attack us via a number of different ways such as directly launching their weapons at us (like a missle), firing their weapons (energy), changing the course / direction of celestial bodies to either collide with us or irradiate us, affecting physical laws that we take for granted, and changing our environment.
Yes, but it would be weird if they'd to that.
Our earth is the only planet in our neighbourhood that has a large supply of wood/water and not the forget a world with perhaps 6 billion slaves.
Its more likely they'd come for labor or supply's.
Why do we think that aliens "invade" Earth when we have coexisted with a lot of species and survived when those species have died
what makes us think that the aliens are here to destroy our planet??
Why would they destroy our planet???
I think psychologically we humans fear that they might be the *insert word that's synonymous with bad* part of the human species
Why wouldn't they? Didn't we do the same throughout history?
For example; The mayans and the portuguese?
But in this story we'd be the mayans and the aliens will be the more evolved specie.
Or as Pantheon said:
Have | Or as Pantheon said:
Have you accidentally stepped on an ant before?
Killed billions of bacteria/virus?
Heard of butterfly effect? |
Why wouldn't they? Didn't we do the same throughout history?
For example; The mayans and the portuguese?
But in this story we'd be the mayans and the aliens will be the more evolved specie.
Exactly! People expect aliens to be like humans! | Exactly! People expect aliens to be like humans!
You hope that they come in peace? So they travel for billion lightyears to cherish our friendschip?
Even if they would do that,(as that chance is like 0.00001%) we humans are selfish and for one or more reasons we will start a war(against them).
And then, goodbye earth. | Why would Jesus let the world end 4 days before his birthday ? |
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