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AuthorAll about Wizard faction: Stats, Talent, Tactics, Strategy
Yes, for magi i would use ini + hp too. For lorekeepers is ini + morale better.
gargs speed + hp
gremlins hp+attack
golems attank + defend
gargs speed + def
gremlins attack + ini
golems defense + attack
magi ini hp
i'd say the priority of miniarts for different units is this:

gremlins: ... (who takes gremlins anyways?!!!)

garg/ench-garg: spd, hp, def (i wish we could have 4 slots so i'd take ini too!)

magi/lore: ini, hp, moral (or if you prefer def)

golem/mod-golem: def, hp, att

genie/sen-genie: ini, moral, def

sphynx/sphynx-war: def, att, moral (or if you prefer speed)

giants: def, att, speed (moral for titans)

this setup is designed for these goals:
it makes sure that your genies and lores will get their turn very fast and hopefully with moral triggers multiple times. so that you can maximize their turns before they're dead!
also, it gives you sphynx a punch so that enemies will hopefully hesitate before coming close, and when they do the moral and attack will give you a fighting chance
as for giants, speed 8 with decent att/def makes giants very usefull
for titans, since their shooters moral is better (you could even consider ini instead of def)
with gargs it's rather obvious, just make them last as long as possible by having beefy hp and def and elusive with speed.
as for golems (especially modern golems with unlimited retal) they're supposed to keep defending and scaring people off from attacking you!
Any tips for TG battles in lvl 6-7?
Soon i will have TGI , need advices

Personally i think it will be difficult for wiz , as it will be hard to win in min aps so i will have to use some spell power arts
So what you guys suggest? which arts should be better?

Also BW wizard or normal wizards will be better in TG? I already have tier 2 upgrade..
I did TG with both, chaos and battle wizard. And i have done almost all fights with min ap. It is possible, but dont expect highier win ration than 30% at best.

Chaos (classic) wizard is better against slower opponents, like knight, necromancer or dwarf, caster dark elf is not bad too. You will run with gargoyles a lot. Mana regeneration talent is usually a must have. Fights can take long time.

Battle wizard is better against enemies like elf, demon, sometimes tribal and dwarf. Hard fights are knight, necromancer, barbarian. Might dark elf is maybe the worst opponent for both, classic and battle wizard. Battle wizard is better against players too (min ap players).

At lvl 6-7 i think that classic chaos wizard would be better. Maximum gargoyles, max mages, rest golems. Mana regeneration talent. As battle wizard, main unit at your level are gremlins. But gremlins are first target for enemy, so i am not sure, that you can do much with other units. Of course, you can try, max gremlins, max mages, golems and hope, that you could do a lot of damage from start of fight.
You have DU so you dont need grems...

Just max out gargs, then go for magi and then golems. The rest should be pretty simple...
Stay Alive

I decided to play this quick tournament for quick lvl up...

Please advise what to do in PVP's as i havent played them much and also how to tackled DU enemies
Stay Alive
Stay Alive
Dont rush lvl.
Stay Alive
Hi just turned to lvl 3. Need advice on mini artifacts.
Hi, at your level i would go for defence, both gargoyles and golems. For gremlins i would probably use hit points, but dont think so that you will use gremlins at your level.

At my level i am using (its for chaos caster wizard, might would be little different):

Gargoyles - defence, hit points, speed
Golems - defence, attack, speed
Lorekeepers - defence, morale, initiative (when you will get magi at lvl 5, hit points are probably better than defence)
Genies - defence, morale, initiative
Sphynxs - defence, attack, morale (someone use speed instead of morale)
Giants - defence, attack, morale (someone use speed instead of morale)

So you can see, that with your progress what mini artifacts could be important on your units.
Hi Chris!
Yeah at your level would be mostly defence, you'll be attacking with your hero mostly. I would strongly advice to do only hunts and not PvP as wizards are extreamly weak at lv3-4 but when u reach lv5, you'll be alright :)
Well not really
I would say at lvl 3-4 wizards are best in PvP , if you dont add DU players..

You can even check last MT results

Mostly there are wizards and necros only bcos of DU.
Same story in lvl 4.

Personally i think , from lvl 5 wizards are bit weak in PvP. Though BW wizard is good.
Can you suggest a recruiting for lvl 8 BW?

Just levelled up. I maxed out genies and magi.

Now I can either go for 46 golems and 27 gremlin wreckers or 100 gremlin wreckers and 25 golems. tough choice.
I would go with maximum gremlin wreckers, no doubt :).
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