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Author | All about Wizard faction: Stats, Talent, Tactics, Strategy |
that was due to the battlewiz being extremely overpowered when it first came (the mixed tourney), which is why we've had two significant re-balances since then!
i think my logic of battlewiz being geared towards duels while normal wiz geared towards teams is correct | for gmt325gh:
battlewiz are good in PVE teams (survilurgs, events etc.) as well. | "your theories are just theorycrafting without proof and with a lot of false information. I dont want argue with you about it anymore, because looks like you have your own truth"
"my opinion is based on practical use and your is pure theory."
Right... Perhaps you don't know what you're talking then.
"Original "problem" was about lvl 7 wizard with faction level 0 and only PvE fights. So i wrote my opinion about lvl 7 wizard with fl 0 and PvE focused. You started general discussion what is better. But ok, this is topic about wizard, so be it."
That's a very simple subject that I've spoken with Ur_End_Is_Here about.
1 - He/She will not be stuck with FSL 0.
2 - He/She doesn't have grotesques/Genies nor gremilies upgrade, so might is pretty much doesn't make much difference.
3 - You really think it worth spend 5k for something that could be quickly achieved in less than 1 day? Depending how hardcore you play. 5k still 5k and for long run you didn't counter my argument about chaos beign better for PvE than might, you only said she/he has FSL 0, so what? Just level up!
"First i have to say, that it is stupid question (sorry about this). Our discussion was about might wizard vs caster wizard and you are asking this question ... You can hardly compare "pure" might factions like barbarian or tribal with wizard. I have not said, that they are better (again discussion might vs caster wizard), but yes, might wizard is equal to others "might" faction. Look at results of the last minor tournament and you have your answer. Battlewise wizard have got nerf today, so we will see in future. But i played might barbarian, tribal, demon, elf, dark elf, ... and i can say, that battlewise wizard focused on might is equal to other might factions. For some types of fights better, for some worse (like every other faction). Just try it and you will see."
As any new alt faction implemented comes with need of some adjustments.
I do remember when DD was beign implemented and everybody was crying "OP OP OP as hell OP OP OP" Same happens with unholy necro (and they've nerfed him, deeply), holy knight was a more acceptable alt new faction.
Also new alts of barbarian is a mix of opinion some people says they're great, other say they're ok, other's say they're weak as hell.
In the end, all new factions needs adjustments, if you're basing your arguments on first week of release you're a big fool!
"You are comparing something really different. I dont know, why you think, that units can be easily killed. Advantage of battlewise might wizard is fast high melee + ranged damage. Genies and gremlins have good initiative and can do really nice damage. They can lower enemy number count very fast, so enemy will do lower damage with lower number of units. This is principle for all fast might factions (like dark elf with shrews), not only for wizard. Classic chaos wizard plays different, they are mostly playing defensive and try to survive as long as possible, because hero need time to do good damage."
So it's easier take hunts record with might battlewiz than chaos battlewiz?
You spoke about initiative? Battlewiz Racial? Hello?
Also, I wanna see you attack 100k farmer stack when you've no unit to steal his retalation, which is easier? run away and cast spells with +50% aura if possible or rush like a crash and get pwoned really hard?
"And i have not said, that might wizard is better in general. I said, that they are fights, where mights is better, and there are fights too, where chaos caster is better. And for low faction level (like 0) is might battlewise better. "
The only think that I agreed with your last comment is this. Also I did said exactly the same, I did answer for PvE and for PvP chaos is/could be better. So why my opinion doesn't have any importance and yours have? Grow up!
And you're full of yourself, you think you're the owner of the truth w | Omg, novels writers here.
Liudnas asked a question in #409. Everybody has the right to tell their opinions and it's ok to defend one's opinion if need be, but stop attacking each other's opinions. There was a question, people answered, and now 30 posts later there is just venom pouring, and instigation.
I only pointed out that there are 4 opinions coming from 4 very experienced wizards, versus one opinion coming from very little experienced wizard.
I think we gave enough input about the question. Let the author judge on himself, and stop trading jibes.
If you have a problem amongst yourselves (or with me), let us go down in the combat field and solve it there. Can you put your weapons and skills where your mouth is???
Angel of Death, (and all others), if you've got a lesson to teach me, or give me advise, please DO IT! But I only receive it in the combat arena. Take your weapons and meet me there.
Enough here! | Hey look that CL 7, He's a low level! He's a DE, he knows nothing about wizard!
Let's laught about what he's saying!
Anyways, I haven't finished my above post, but doesn't matter also.
This thread is full of stupidity, I'm out. | Hey look that CL 7, He's a low level! He's a DE, he knows nothing about wizard!
I wasn't laughing at you. I didn't say you know nothing about wizard either. I did point out that your experience as wizard is smaller than others'. That's it.
Words are deeds! One must be held accountable and be responsible for what he's saying. And put their hands and skills where their mouth is too...
This thread is full of stupidity, I'm out.
I think you posted most times since that question popped up... |
"Original "problem" was about lvl 7 wizard with faction level 0 and only PvE fights. So i wrote my opinion about lvl 7 wizard with fl 0 and PvE focused. You started general discussion what is better. But ok, this is topic about wizard, so be it."
I believe you started talking about titans and all other tiers...
1 - He/She will not be stuck with FSL 0.
2 - He/She doesn't have grotesques/Genies nor gremilies upgrade, so might is pretty much doesn't make much difference.
3 - You really think it worth spend 5k for something that could be quickly achieved in less than 1 day? Depending how hardcore you play. 5k still 5k and for long run you didn't counter my argument about chaos beign better for PvE than might, you only said she/he has FSL 0, so what? Just level up!
I don't know why you mention 5k. The average case is that non wizard = might so upon switching faction there's no need to spend a potion of oblivion; just pick might wiz and when at decent wiz fl, then use potion of oblivion. That also has the advantage of allowing switching from main to wiz frequently and for free (it might take more than a couple days to reach wiz fl 3/4 depending on level upon switching; one might have to pass a lot of hunts/merc quests to find some that can be won).
So it's easier take hunts record with might battlewiz than chaos battlewiz?
You spoke about initiative? Battlewiz Racial? Hello?
Also, I wanna see you attack 100k farmer stack when you've no unit to steal his retalation, which is easier? run away and cast spells with +50% aura if possible or rush like a crash and get pwoned really hard?
Well well, garg + mines = +75% spell dmg...
The only think that I agreed with your last comment is this. Also I did said exactly the same, I did answer for PvE and for PvP chaos is/could be better. So why my opinion doesn't have any importance and yours have? Grow up!
That "thing" you did agree was about how bad might wiz are. I did not even try to argue about it; so that you know, you're talking to a wiz that's been might (holy) from level 10 to when battlewiz has been introduced. I have a poor record on lvl 13 ("low" fl for CG and no DU among others), though I made it from CG 0 to 2 as might. I leave the rest to you.
The only think that I agreed with your last comment is this. Also I did said exactly the same, I did answer for PvE and for PvP chaos is/could be better. So why my opinion doesn't have any importance and yours have? Grow up!
Because you compare what can't be compared. Even a lvl 11 giving tips on a lvl 12 is biased, because relative strength of stacks differ from one level to another. A simple exemple: from level 11 to 12, genies recruit count increases by 18% (17 to 20); sphynx by 50% (4 to 6). A powerful stack in one level might be a decent stack in another; or a poor one (sphynx) become a good one in another. Add the fact that it's the same for other factions (earlier elves efk ruled, then uni recruit count increased and they are now more dangerous to me than efk). Then there are talent that mess up; as battlewiz for ej, reaching a level where you can pick battlefury and archery makes grems so much more powerful (+66% dmg from battlefury and +20% from archery), and comparatively stronger than other stacks. Last, overal strategy for a single faction can differ over levels. "defensive" build for elves is suitable once they get anchorites (max bows, anchos, root with trees and defend with unis), or dwarves can rely more on range once they get patriarchs (double hit with both spears and patriarchs in 1st turn...); different strategies imply different weaknesses.
If you can compute all these datas and give a consistant result for any level about which unit is good and which is bad; then either I'm missing something or your mental capabilities are definately beyond mine by a great margin. | This thread is full of stupidity, I'm out.
Finally... | About 5k gold on potion of oblivion ...there is something called festive potion 5k is saved ...
And why battlewiz for 0 FSL is they have high recruiting than normal wiz and so do all other alts...
I never agreed with u :/
All said by these experienced people is full of sense and practical nothing theory
I would hardly question them as they know much and have the experience
It's not that u don't have experience ..
Well I also give opinions but not always we can be right :) | What does look better for ambushes at cl 13 (without upgraded genies), the normal wizards or battlewize? | Should battlewiz lvl 13 play might or magic for PvP/Group Battle/Thief? What is considered 'the best' stats allocation for them? | 450: I would say battlewise wizard is better for ambushes. Not all ambushes, but most of them. I am playing with fortune genies, but i guess, with basic genies it would be similar.
451: Its just my opinion, but i think, that hybrid battlewise is the best for PvP, group, ambushes. Few ability points to knowledge (3-4 with min ap is enough), rest ability points to spell power.
Luck and Offence as much as possible - thief, maybe duels too
Basic chaos magic, Dominion of fire, luck, offence - for group and survilurgs
With your faction level and better items you will have nice bonus to attack and initiative. PvE fights are not bad too, because you will have good physical damage with your units and not bad spell damage with spells. | I feel the Battlewise being still too immature for proper might thieving at level 13, both troops and talents-wise. Most importantly, genies are supposed to lead the assault and enjoy the high recruit count, but I still feel them too frail for proper melee; not worth to focus recruitment on them and then watch them hit 1-2 times with decent numbers and then die horribly. Also, chaos caravans will still slay them easily. As for this level, I still favor old wizard and his increased mobility when thieving, though I'm starting to get into bigger trouble and losing more than usual. Level 14+ probably offers better solutions for might Battlewise thieving around.
Battlewise shines at CL 13 vs. survilurgs though. You just need 25 SP (with full arts on) and 70-90 mana to enjoy maximum effect of Dominion of Fire, then you're free to spend parameter points elsewhere, and take some offense-oriented talents at will. I'm still using genies to cast chaos (2 stacks with 10 each) and relying on golems+sphynx for melee. AI is not extremely smart, chances to land good melee hits with golems are sensible. Not to mention they would soon be the only unit you will command, can't help with the renewed threat Battlewise poses to the AI. Lacking proper defence, an enchanted piece of armor wouldn't hurt I guess.
Humble opinion of a modest wizard - I'd better state this maybe, given the mood of some recent comments. Feel free to oppose and discuss further though. | Stay Alive | hey guys :)
i'm trying might battlewiz, i was wondering if anyone has experimented with both might and hybrid battlewiz, which one is better in duels?
also, against different factions, what are my chances of winning going to be with might battlewiz? | just to clarify, i'm talking about cl14!!! | Try pure might.. Check out naviron's CG duels as pure might. He's usually won them all. Gremlins are really awesome with their high initiative and random luck. | most of navi's duels are from before the balancing, back then battlewiz would beat pretty much anything!
i was trying to find out how it is now.
as far as i've seen so far, necro is dead meat! hybrid battlewiz also standds no chance, elf is 50/50 depending on luck/moral trigers and whether or not the elf has tactic or speed+1 (forgot the talent's name :P).
dd, will beat battlewiz.
but that's all i've seen so far... and my sampling pool is not large enough so my results might be wrong
so, back to my original question, if anyone has experience on dueling as might battlewiz, share your results please! | Stay Alive | Stay Alive |
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