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AuthorSteppe barb and dark demon overpowered.
Since merge is just about to begin, I thought it might be good to consider some ideas about these factions.

At level 12, it seems that these two factions are quite overpowered. I don't want to say heavily, but that is what it seems like.

Take for instance:

there is no way the gnome could have won. at all. (unless youre kind enough to suggest something) I have spoken to a few well known and highly strategic best players here and their only response is that these two factions are heavily overpowered at the moment for these levels.

What dya think?
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soon you have to add knight of the light as third overpowered faction :P
you should ask this question in .ru mate. not many play ther & just by watching 1 battle no one can come to conclusion.
there is no way the gnome could have won

I dont agree with that at all. Here is a link from a battle I did a week ago with my .ru dwarf against a steppe barb W DU.


It would be silly for me to say there is was no way for him to win. With different talents and strategies he could have won.
few well known and highly strategic best players here

I don' think we have that kind of players here
Steppe barb are op?
Srsly, to counter steppe barb u have 2 roads:

1. Choas magic (deal dmg) or light magic (mass or aoe buffs)
2. U must 1st attack (when someone form stronghold attack first u have lower chance to win)
Steppe barbs look quite strong for a player of my lvl at DE :'(
is there any way to beat those insane things with might build
i m really frightened :(
defense build stepp barb (controlling by a smart player) is painful for all.
yeah in some battles, i could see destructive minos barely dealing 300 damage to a defense based tribal :'(
my rambo minos are my power...all i tell is, I can see a dark future ahead of me in pvps
yeah in some battles, i could see destructive minos barely dealing 300 damage to a defense based tribal :'(
my rambo minos are my power...all i tell is, I can see a dark future ahead of me in pvps

As far as might builds go the dark elf is better than most as killing the steppe barbs. Your shrews will be able to alpha strike and damage them first and run away. Use your units (especially shrews) to attack enemy units that are close to advancing to the next rage level to prevent their level up or to make them lose a level before they gain their turn. Success for me in battling steppe barbs is about rage management of their creatures.
Don't worry, soon you will get a necro "overpowered" with offensive talents branch ;)
"Here is a link from a battle I did a week ago with my .ru dwarf against a steppe barb W DU.


NAH, DUDE. that is a MIN AP battle and that steppe barb is offense build, THATS WAY EASY TO BEAT.

im talking here about DEFENSE BUILD steppe barb FULL ARTS CG battle. that battle you posted is too unbalanced min oa.

all im asking is HOW TO BEAT THIS STEPPE BARB as a DWARF.

Maszi, Chaos will not work. look at that steppe barb combat log agianst wizards. they stood even less chance than the dwarf.

The only things i can think beat this is MAYBE dwarf mass holy magic build (But thats useless at level 12 talent branch is horrible at level 12 you dont get extra rune)

and of course, might DE with morale talent and elf with 3 luck and necromancer with mass disruption ray.
The more I look at Steppe barbs on that level the more powerfull I think they are, but Im surprised Wizards chaos magic was so ineffective. When I get a minute Ill have to look at some combats. If you already have any battle links Id love to see them as well.
Im surprised Wizards chaos magic was so ineffective.

I'm also surprised, especially because he is talking about defensive build =)
You should consider stepp barb as an alt to magic users and act respecively by wiping his/her troops as soon as possible (as a dwarf just use your runes asap). The longer you battle, the stronger steppe barb gets, as simple as that. Regards of dark demons, they have several disadvantages and all you need is good troop placement.
how is the knight altgrades compared to other factions, balanced?
kinda bleh, only suitable for some group battles, lacking against monsters in mercenaries guild. Overall, dark magic is stronger than white one and that's why knight's alt is useless.
for DrunkVision:

are you sure? I think they are overpowered
I've seen Dark Demons, they look little OP. But on the battles I've seen
Gate demons vs Dark Demons, if Gated Demon have use a different build things could be very different, so I think they are a little OP, but not so much, just few balances and they will be ok.

Step Barb Didn't see yet, does anybody have any battle link? :)
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