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AuthorDwarf runes and invokers
hi,first of all look at this combat invokers take the doublestrike rune https://www.lordswm.com/war.php?lt=-1&warid=511111975 but they hit 4 times how is this possible (i am sorry for using other lords combats )
it is the faction level 9 retribution rune.
It hits all stacks that are adjacent without taking any retaliation damage.

*ps double strike rune can only be used if at least 1 creature in the stack has died.
**ps they hit 5 times, not 4.
in the stack of invokers or when the invokers attack and kill one creature they will double strike if they have the rune?
in order to use Rune of Crusade, at least one creature from the stack has to be perished. More specifically, the current amount of creatures in stack should be lower than the initial amount of creatures in the very same stack at the beginning of combat).

closed by DieSlowly (2013-02-06 18:04:40)
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