I thought of a good idea to solve the fsp gap between .com and .ru characters. It seems just giving us some fsp won't solve the problem, because it could be unfair to .ru players... arguments are that .ru players spent money, time and effort to get his fsp. On the other side, .com players had not same opportunities they had. Bad exp ratio on TG and almost no events.
So, I propose a 'buff' to get extra fsp. It could work like the hunter license. We buy the buff and for some time (like one week) we will receive extra fsp in all combats we fight. The buff will work only to characters who have the volcano badget, and the buff will have a limit as well. Even a limite of uses, or a limit like "won't work for players with X fsp". X will differ in any combat level, and it is to players not 'abuse' this feature. After all, it is not to build overpowered characters (could be a bad point for that, .ru could complain) but just to remove the gap of FSP we are suffering now. All I want is a competitive character, it is not cool play combats in disavantage just because I am on a minority.
About the buff, it could be available to purchase using either gold or diamonds. Let's try improve this idea this idea, give your sugestions. |