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6 dreadbanes
8-12 damage
55 attack

vs altupgrade from angel; 25 defence

6*12*(1+0.05*(55-25))*1.07=192.6 (max damage)

(1.07 from 7% melee bonus from artifacts)

But in game
Dreadbanes deal 344 damage to Thrones. 1 perish.

What causes the extra damage? I have luck / morale / spare rune talents.
Link to battle please. If it is for the survival tourney, idk.
your talking abt ST ? then you could have taken an attack orb to bost dmg maybe ?
it was survival tournament, but it was the first hit of dreadbanes in the entire battle. Wave 1, no orbs, no luck.
Retribution strike?!
Retribution strike:
Upon successful attack, if there is an enemy creature adjacent to the target, retribution strike jumps to it dealing normal physical damage, and so on, until the chain is broken. This chain can affect up to 4 creatures.

I remember there was desription talking about elemental damage dealing after physical damage, so target is damaged by either physical damage and damage from retribution strike as well.
even if it is somehow, on a weird way, some magical damage, that ignores the defence, then you get:


still not enough to reach 344.
As far as I read it:

min damage = 6 * 8 * (1 + 0.05 * (55-25)) * 1.07 = 128.4
max damage = min dam * 1.5 = 192.6

damage range 128.4 - 192.6

Retribution strike kicks in -> additional physical damage, same as normal attack

additional damage range of 128.4 - 192.6

So both strikes together you get a damage range of

2 * (min dam, max dam) = 256.8 - 385.2
Upon successful attack, if there is an enemy creature adjacent to the target, retribution strike jumps to it dealing normal physical damage, and so on, until the chain is broken. This chain can affect up to 4 creatures.

The way i read it is that retribution strike jumps from the "target" to the "second target". So still only 1 hit.

But all of that doesnt matter, since there was no other enemy unit nearby:
for Sven91:
your dreadbanes did more dmg even in your last hunt.

they shld have dealt 198 but dealt 340 (in hunt).I think the possible explanation is Retribution stike.
[Post deleted by moderator Arctic // wrong description]
It is retribution strike.
First, the creature deals normal damage to its target, including all enchantments.
Then, Retribution strike triggers and deals the normal BASE damage as part of chain, that damage then jumps to next target, if there is any adjacent.
As a result, the initial target takes 2x normal damage, the next targets - 1x the normal damage.
All their base damage is physical, it is no 'lightning' of any sort even though it might look like one. The elemental bonus from enchantments applies to first target.
This topic is long since last update and considered obsolete for further discussions.

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