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α Activated special ability.
This creature can hypnotize any enemy stack once per battle provided it’s not immune to mind-affecting effects.

how to calc which stack it can control
as far as i know
hp of stack shouldnt be more than 4 times hp of temptress
great barb it work this way when you seduce one creature less hp that stack have you will control it longer but if creature have am not sure if its 8 times or maybe 4 times bigger hp you can,t even seduce it...
The formula is T={2+log(2)[HPtemp/HPtarget]} turns, Te(0;4]
Good luck calculating it in combat :-P
Well artic that formula is so messed up yay someone could make it even longer...
So according to that you can control the target stack for at least 2 full turns regardless of temptresses hp and target hp?
Nope. log(2)[HPtemp/HPtarget] can be negative :p
Oh oops my bad. Forgot my basic math lol
Nope. log(2)[HPtemp/HPtarget] can be negative :p

Ofc it can be negative couse then target have higher hp then temptress :) or am i wrong?
#9 Target will not even be seduced it will waste of turn or the temptresses if it is more than 4*hp of T
[Post deleted by moderator Dragon Eater // T cannot be negative, because of the domain of the formula]
The logarithm can be negative.
It will not be wasted, the minimum is 0.1.
you can put Te[0.1,4]
If The formula is T={2+log(2)[HPtemp/HPtarget]}

and the taget stack has 4 times hp , Then

T= 2 + Log(2)(1/4) = 2-0.3 = 1.7 turns?

please correct me .
Logarithm with base 2 of 0.25 is the power you need to put 2 in to get 1/4.
I believe that power is -2, why -0.3?


so if the target stack has 4 times or more the hp of temptresses, the duration of hypnosis will be minimal.
Yay what an mathematician

Okay, i did log {2*(1/4)} = log of 1/2 = -0.3

my bad,didnt know the (2)meant base, i was taking base 10, i get it now :)
closed by Arctic (2013-02-19 10:43:17)
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