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I would like to ask if goblin trappers is a useful buy at lvl5. I know they can be fine at lvl6 with battle fury but at lvl5 should i go for magic guild first or goblin trappers. Can goblin trappers match the skill of centaurs
for kushagra5:
I think they are worth buying. Even if you don't use them in high numbers and even if you don't replace centaurs with them, they can be very annoying to be against because of traps.
On my multi many times some dangerous creatures wanted to attack me but because of traps they were 1 tile away and I could attack them first.
Magic guild is good too, you should find a way to get both :). But I'd go for trappers first.
for kushagra5:
I am already using battle fury, and i have a little doubt that i m being targeted first because of the same reason :p

"should i go for magic guild first or goblin trappers"
- We tribals dont have magic guild, if you are talking about rituals, yes first buy rituals, and then buy goblin trappers. If you have enough gold to buy trappers its not difficult to buy rituals

"Can goblin trappers match the skill of centaurs"
- Well i have a small doubt about it just in amount of damage, but trappers have mored hp, defence compared to centaurs, but lacks min-max damage and range compared to centaurs
Ok. I will try to buy both. But first i will go for rituals as it is cheaper
Im relatively new in tribals.
I would like to ask for some insight for my level (13) in what army shall i get, talents and skills, because i see a lot of players with army skills and talents different then mine and i really dont know what is the best setup. I would like tips on Thief caravans, group battles, Commanders guild and tournaments if you please.
By the way, i got now faction skill 4 and got Warlords upgraded.
Can anyone help me please???
Thanks in advance.

I can post some battles here as well...
for joaodbe:

Many use defense build and some 90-100 centaurs. the thing is tribals need defense to survive till they get their spirit up.I suggest either putting points into attack and using def talents or defense points and attack talents.It would be good if you could get 2-3 kn and mana is very useful for using the rituals.
Can someone help. I have no clue if i am performing well or what? but could someone take a look at this combat... https://www.lordswm.com/war.php?warid=536737789 ... and comment about things i might wanna change ... other than use full art set. get gob's upped...? because i thought me and my team performed well. but we still lost...

Thanks! :)
Could someone give me insight on what setup of talents, recruitment and skill points should i use at lvl5
Well it looks as if you can't get Goblin trappers as soon as you hit level 5. but that's fine. You will just have to experiment will different set ups. The Centaurs are nice. But die very soon and for some reason are usually targeted first as you can't split them up with such small placement boxes. So they are a really big stack to just die. Shamans are nice but are pointless in stacks of just 2 as a delay or rapid spell for 2 turns is pointless and 7 turns is ridiculous and you can't get much variety. Invaders are where its at when you don't have goblins. But they are only good at higher blood levels. with the enrage ability it makes it alot easier and kind of shy's the opponents heroes away from picking of your poor 1 stacks of Tribal goblins. Which is good as you will need the for the quality spirit hits. (Not getting retal/ loosing spirit) With this they can now move farther and do a significant amount of damage. most people don't worry about invaders until its too late. But some times they can easily knock you down BL's with a luck hit. So be careful. but remember. Shamans get init. bonus. and have 30 (37) HP. so they aren't useless and make really good retal takers later on.
~So that's actual combat advice.

For Talents. Basic luck is good, It can give you a opportunity to get luck befalls and with am. of luck it's really nice at level 5. Or you can pick the center talent that gives all creatures random amount of blood at beginning of the battle. it can prove useful for quickly achieving blood levels.

Skill Points. Just get ten mana for level 5. and at 6 increase knowledge once more and you should be good. anything else i'd just say attack if you plan on staying with Tribal. (Att. over Def. because most eqpt. will give def. ;P and who doesn't love doing more damage.)

Hope i helped, I'm a Experienced player. even though I'm only level 5 myself ;P
Could someone give me insight on what setup of talents, recruitment and skill points should i use at lvl5

Talent: I would suggest using Spirits abound for lvl 5, as it gives you little defense and boost the tribal spirit from starting.

Skill Points: 1 in Knowledge and others distribute between attack and defense, i would agree with Lord Xander666 regarding choosing attack over defense, but most creatures of tribals gain attack with tribal spirit levels, but not defense and also defensive build will make us lose less tribal spirit (because more defence=less damage -> less dampen = less tribal spirit lost)

So make your own choice
Good Insight on the Skill points. I might have to do that when i potion of oblivion! :)
Can someone help. I have no clue if i am performing well or what? but could someone take a look at this combat... https://www.lordswm.com/war.php?warid=536737789 ... and comment about things i might wanna change ... other than use full art set. get gob's upped...? because i thought me and my team performed well. but we still lost...

One of the main problem is that you people concentrated on succubi more than rouges. You could have casted delay on succubi and kill the rouges first.

You should sometimes use delay on faster creatures like lizard and rouges rather than speeding up your allies that would'nt get a second chance like (elven, because magic will kill them in first blow).

One other problem is all the enemies are casters, especially the middle one with heavy spell power

Hope it helps, and i thought that you people are about to will till the magic erased invaders.
Thanks tribal peter and lord xander.
Do i need to use potion of oblivion to put more points in knowledge
Erudition talent and arts can also be used to increase knowledge.
erudition talents is not with tribals. DiN
It is a talent of the tribals.
oh just saw.

Could somebody tell me how spell power will afect tribal spells of Rituals 1
i dont think it has any effect
Shamans are useless. Invaders are strong
Hey and buddies I got my trappers. Could you tell me a good recruitment setting
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