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AuthorAll about Demons faction: Stats, Talent, Tactics, Strategy
generally speaking might is not a good idea for dd
i agree that it is pointless in PvP
but it is pretty good in Defenses, or in general, PvE
for Anony-mouse:
you have not catch my point.
the problem of might dd, or leadership might dd in particular, is that it offers no help in the disadvantages of traditional dd. they can only make battles which you can win easily to win easier, but do nothing to those hard battles, and will even lose some of winning battles.
in this point, defensive pure might dd would do have some goods over traditional dd, although it is too narrow..
they can only make battles which you can win easily to win easier
That's pretty much y i do it.
That's pretty much what defenses are if partners and you carry ench.
ANd it's way more damn fun than darkness DD
Stay Alive
If it were about fun, red demon would be the pick :D

People pick DD for winning more percentage of battles...as it is good against most builds. When i played dark demon last time, i felt it was really boring with all those drawn out battles because you're in defensive build and the opponent doesn't have what it takes to kill you with all those spells on :P

Especially DD versus DD in CG is a never ending battle, really really boring.
Hey guys, I'm currently CL7 now but when I turn CL8 I intend on becoming DD. Anyone could kindly post some replays in PvP of DD (with upgraded demons)? Any response is much appreciated.
I have a lots of battles ready for lv9 and lv10.. but lv 8? there you go

Thanks mouse, appreciate it!
Stay Alive
Stay Alive
Stay Alive
Stay Alive
Stay Alive
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Stay Alive
Stay Alive
coming back on last discussion,
imo might DD can be quite strong! pretty some battles which are hard to beat for darkness DD become easy to beat for might DD. But when you go might DD try this:
full offensive, all primary points on attack. But go for all defensive talents, so i use for example: expert defence, barrier, the +4 defence talent endurance and +20% ranged avoidance. Thsi way i get i think 38 attack and 29 defence with high defensive talents. Hard to get killed, and fiends and searing horses get really strong. Go with 180 fiends full horses, 35 temptresses, 5 caves and 2 devils at level 14. All magicians for example will be much easier to kill. This made me won many mixed cg's aswell :)
the 38 attack 29 defence is when you use dragon's eyes. With ring of thorns you would get 36 attack/33 defence, even harder to kill, but i prefer the lil extra initiative and attack :)
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