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AuthorThief at 11 lvl
What should i prefer at 11lvl MIN ap foor thieving, elf or Dark elf, both have DU
You can barely do well with min ap
Both will be good due to high ini, just depends on your game style.
Elf if you want to end quickly with good tactic and DE if you depend on brute force
being an idiot plus greedy man, i just build 4 different factions at 11 lvl so, i am not able to afford full ap. plus dear moro888 you are getting a bit off topic with your statement
You can barely do well with min ap
i know that min ap thieving is nearly impossible some times, as well as full ap thieving some times ;P
for barb_ruler:
you depend on brute force Do you meant minotaurs ?
for Naturalious:
If you choose DE and then keep max Shrew which should be used to first attack archers(if any) and then max Liz to attack the mightiest attacker opponent has(I feel Dreadbane for Dwarf) and after these die Hydra can handle the rest troops IMO.

With Elf keep max GMB and split them into stack and keep them in corner, with max EFK attack the opponent from the worst possible point and with Uni attack the mightier attacking unit(Liz for DE)
Dark elf is fun because its fast, you can use shrews as distraction while your mino/lizard get closer for kill. Btw use your lizzard to give extra damamge when you attack large stacks with shrews(the extra attack).

Elf is also good but the big problem here is that it will happen that you lose your EFK in the first few turns. Nevertheless its possible.

Try to buy mid gear for 550 gold per battle. You win about 70%:).
for barb_ruler: thank you
i know that min ap thieving is nearly impossible some times, as well as full ap thieving some times ;P
even doing with max AP not gonno get you 100% victory.

if you have gold, do with better arts. or min AP is the only option.
closed by Naturalious (2013-03-05 17:16:33)
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