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Authorrichest player
can i know who is the richest player in this game? this give some motivation for me.X)
this give some motivation for me. really, unlike our old server here people are rich by tones of donation, i mean 10000+ diamond will it motivate you to donate :P
Noldor is richest Player , have look at his estates , LG points + he has 14 rare full heavily enchanted sets
for The Fo_Ol:
i dont think so . There are many roulette geeks who are 10 times more richer
maybe this guy:


5M gold, 10k+ each resource, and most importantly - 17 fully upgraded estates
Lol ! Look at that guys LG ! Its similar to mine :P Guess he must have donated a lot
he must be very rich in real life :P
he donated a lot..LOT
has UCI also :o
yep must be a son of rich Russian tycoon :)
for hohohogodly
i think you got enough motivation after seeing this crazy players right :P
if you see his profile he has written so many enchanted weapons on lease..
no wonder admins are abandoned us before merge( in .com server)
here they must be getting lot of revenue from players like this :)
wowww!!!that is cool. hell sum of motivation. LOL poison ivy. by the way i make friend with that guy!!going to stalk him O.O
Look at his donations .. 2000 diamonds exchanged ! Again some 2000 exchanged .. Keeps on going !!!!
for Poison Ivy:
Or he might himself be a rich russian tycoon :P
Man just look at his Estates 0_o
I'm Impressed even though it's coz of diamonds :p
I think u shud close this topic since ur going way out of topic...
Topic moved from "Queries and help" to "Off-game forum".
maybe this guy:


He has plenty of gold:

Gold on hand: 5,059,598
Gold from resources: 17,724,960
Gold from elements: 1,996,790
Total Gold: 24,781,348

More 1kk in his estates + 17 fully upgraded estates and lots of sets in his estates, including:

Full enchanted Tactician set;
Full enchanted tribal set;
Beastbane set;
Full enchanted barbarian set;
Almost full enchanted inquisitor set;
Recruiter set;
Amphibian set;
2 Servant of darkness sets;
Druid set;
Mage disciple set;
Venomancer set;
Imperial order arts;
Lots of artifact shop arts, enchanted and non enchanted;
Enchanted dwarf warrior set;
Warrior elf set;
Mercenary set;

And maybe even more that I don't have access to discover. =)
lol his LG is 5...
But still, no one can beat Empire :P


Gold on hand: 8,231,337,096
Gold from resources: 636,610,500
Gold from elements: 10,591,559
Total Gold: 8,878,539,155
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