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AuthorElfs are over powered.
Must have to increase their, Talent points for luck. or Reduce the probability chance of triggering critical damage.
Player banned by moderator Dragon Eater until 2013-03-17 22:42:14 // No question here. Don't flood Q&H with your claims about over-powered factions. Warning.
What has led you to this conclusion? I dont see any PvP battle in the first few pages of your combat log.
lol we are OP, in may lvl all knights are laughing at elf,and saying that you elfs are a piece of meat (in CG).
What has led you to this conclusion? I dont see any PvP battle in the first few pages of your combat log. i don't think he played pvp, look at his last hunt, he is jealous about elf how killing neutral faster
He always comes up with such amazing ideas. Better close this topic before we are flooded with such awesome ideas further.
he is jealous about elf how killing neutral faster
then increase ur initiative or just change to elf if u think they r soo strong...
Can't get tired of this kind of threads :D
haha.. elves are overpowered.. whats your query?
Player banned by moderator Lord hpsim until 2013-03-17 12:20:34 // FR#1.7//Add. characters aren't allowed to post in main forums
Not again ! Ohh man just give it a break and start to play the game ! You dont play any pvps and you come off saying knights r weak , elf are strong bla bla bla ... !! You seriously dont know how to play with a strategy
ya.. elfs are soooo strong that I totally did not need to get any anti to knight faction so that they don't totally destroy me in pvp/cg battles.... :P

(sarcasm was used here in case you missed it)
you don't say!
closed by Warwick-the-wiz (2013-03-17 10:47:13)
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