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AuthorAll questions abt Portal of Time event in one topic
Is there any way to fight against Armour piercing ability?
I started on level 7 and am now level 8 but now I cannot find my ratings anywhere on any level, where do I find my ratings?

no other way except to get fortified usanary or setries.
Take some gaurds and clock for ranged protection.
for time_keeper:
Maybe because you wont be accepted in the event now because of level change, your level 7 wins will be regarded in level 7 seven event and level 8 wins in level 8 event.
Thus you have no chance to win on any level now
Sad you could have come in top 100, if not then at least top 10 of your level.33/48 bad.

My question:
Can we view ratings for each level?
The flaw in the event was that low level players couldn't open L6 or L7 tiers.
For tier L7 you needed to be L11 and for tier 7 you needed to be L8.
But here is the flaw: while you can't open those tiers, your AI opponent will start to get L6 and then L7 tier creatures. And when the time comes that they come with 4+ L7 creatures you will not win any battles anymore. Even if you manage to kill a few of them, with the high stacks they got they heal them all back to their original ammount. It would have been more fair if every level player had the same possibilities since none of the talents could be used anyway.
for Lawton: Totally agree with you bro, +1
I dont think it is unfair, on higher levels the AI has better stats
How the prize are distributed?
I know about Top 50 MC and >5 victories prize.
What about players?
overall Top 50 players or according to levels?
@barb_ruler, high level player also have higher stats so those stats of AI cancel each other out, you seem to have missed my piont about fairness.
L11+ players can open tier 7 and have a fair chance against the AI's L7 creatures.
A L8 player can only open untill tier 6 so when AI starts coming with 4+ L7 creatures that get healed up as well he has no chance anymore to win that battle.
I have seen L14 players even have a hard time against those 4+ L7 AI creatures with their own L7 creatures. So how fair is it when you have to fight them without L7 tier? I fear to think how a player L7 or below that can only choose max tier 5 has to fight against those L7 AI creatures.
for barb_ruler:No offense,but you didn't participate in the event,so anything you say is kind of a moot point.The only reason why I have lost any battles in this event is due to T7 and T6 units,I killed 100+vestals,150+ marksmen and even 18 worshippers but I lost against 15 ini 2 serpents -.-
When this event ends?
4 hours 19 minutes ?
for Loafoant + Lawton:

I may not have participated but I did watch A LOT of battles and to a certain point you are right but from what I remember(correctly) at most point of times the top ranks were of players lower than level 8
Like I said, at first they can win, later on when the AI starts coming with L7 tier creatures they have no chance to win anymore. The top rank was at the beginning ranked with low level players due to this.

Here is my point:

How can we win from in total 17 L7 creatures that get healed up as well?
With stacks of:
7 Aquatic drakes
5 aquatic drakes
5 aquatic drakes
all in the same fight.
Even high level players that have L7 creatures would have had a hard time to win this, but players that cannot open tier 7 got zero chance, players that can't even open tier 6, they can best stop it after AI starts to come with L7 creatures.
you think at the higher levels there are no battles that cant be won?
If you keep winning difficulty becomes retarded, everyone has it.
i really think they shuld allow all players regardless of the combat level to buy any upgrades they want
those tribal opponents who are level 3 are able to set up talents...isnt that unfair?
@Sven91, you seem to have missed my point completely, it's not about winning or that the difficulty gets harder, it's that people that cannot open tier 7 cannot win anymore when AI starts coming with L7 creatures.
It would have been fairer if the AI also could only come with the max tiers that you can open, otherwise a low level player has no chance, their low tier creatures will not even be able to make a dent in AI's L7 creature.
It would have been fairer if the AI also could only come with the max tiers that you can open, otherwise a low level player has no chance, their low tier creatures will not even be able to make a dent in AI's L7 creature.

No. It would be much fairer if high level people get advantage over "lowbies". It's about time that the admins reward people for trying to gain experience and levels. However if you look at the rankings, even low level folks (and non members of military clans) get to reach top 50. It seems that the lack of higher tier creatures was not an issue with those people.
@Grusharaburas, thanks for missing my point completely.

Talents could not be used in this event, so high levels only had higher basic stats but so did their AI opponent, which canceled each other out.

And the ones that still managed to get to top 50 lucked out. I have noticed that when you are in a fight with a player who hasn't fought that many event battles, his AI opponent hardly gets any creatures, so you luck out and can easiliy win it.
This also could have been avoided if you could only click to join the battle and then at the start of the battles the game itself would form the fighting teams according to how many times they had allready battled in it.
For example the system would pair up people that had fought only 1-5 event battles, 6-10 battles would also be paired up, 11-15 and so forth. And I'm not talking about wins, but just the ammount of battles you participated in.
This would have made the event more competing as well.
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