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AuthorBlindFold Tournament- Battle Reports
Link to basic walkthrough-

I am gonna end up with 60 points if things keep going my way
oh thats cool for incentive. Loafant, you may go for prizes at 65
I come 2nd in my 9th attempt. good results are flowin.


Had to work hard to reach 50%
I hope i get incentive If i manage 45 points. Thats tough with tribals you know. it is around 60% for those who dont know. Somebody congratulate me for a cool 50% cup
well actually last time for tribal the winner got 50 points
Hmmm well. i am not playing these tourney with seriously..

I played 2 battles at lvl 5 and won both of them and then i decided to lvl up and also played 2 battles at lvl 6 - Both won again..

I wish i had more time to play more battle but ..... gotta go (It's vacation time :D)
If I really aim for incentive at 45 points then I was 20 after 8 games.

I needed 25 points in 7 games at an average of 3.58 per battle. In my lates battle, i got 3 points. Now I am 23 on 9. With 6 to go I need 22 points at an average of 3.66. I just need to make sure this average doesnt go over before the last 2 battles
K i won the battle

Aim-45 points
Current Points-28
Played- 10
Points needed for Aim- 17
Average- 3.4
Since I began following my guide-
battle-1 2nd
Batlle-2 2nd
Battle-3 3rd
Battle-4 1st

16 points in 4 battles! with a weak lvl4 tribal


Read this guide. Great it is!
Cant belive i made it LOL:)
What could be a winning score for barbarian level 7?
check the prvious tournament to have a rough idea
previous 2 actually
for _1rip1_

55 for top 3 and 50 for incentive can be considered
w points assured in my curerent battle. I am being targeted but will try and bring down one tribal who has only 12 invaders
Cool. The knight went afk. Though the necro brought me down.

I got second highest exp/fsp leading the third one by 600!

Thats because I brought down a DU Dark Elf (Want to know which idiot buys poisoners with diamonds!)

Avg.- 2.78
Needed for Aim- 14
Req.avg- 3.5

I just hope I get 10 points in next three atleast, otherwise, I am gone!
Hey nobody's posting scores except me. why?
ok then, 11 battles 45 points
i have one question tho, do you allways fight different people or is there a chance you fight the same ones?
10 battles 31 points:)
to heather
O there is a big chance to fight same ones. Heather good going. Like i fought with this guys using 1 poisoner as Diamond upgrade twice. Both times i killed him alone:)

_1RIP1_ try improving. I think you need 20 more points for incentive in just 5 battles!
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