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AuthorEurovision 2013
Who do you think will win?
Or what do you like the most?

I like Ukraine, Malta and Moldova :)
And Russia was good too.
just vote only for Hungary(number 17) :)))
a) A big thanks to Paraleul for making a thread i would make.

b) My voting went to Denmark, Ukraine, Germany, Norway, Sweden and Ireland (yes, i like dancing songs)

c) A big thanks to parents in Denmark, Ukraine, Norway and Russia for giving birth to beautiful girls :)

d) A big thanks to Sweden for the best presenter ever
How was UK this time?
whats eurovision Im a dud
lol noone for romania :D
Norwegian do dominate here. Last time they won due to all the female votes to that lead guy.
Things about Eurovision.

Winning country hosts next event, this usually costs much more than any revenue from it, many countries dont want to host it, therefore dont choose best songs or artists to represent themselves.

Political and historical infuences strongly effect a large number of the votes. e.g. same countries vote for each other every year regardless of song.

Part of the fun is watching your contries presenters mess up. They rarely let us down.

Ireland often win also.

In summary, the voting is fixed so results dont mean much but you do get to listen to some good music and also usually some strange music too.
Winning country hosts next event, this usually costs much more than any revenue from it, many countries dont want to host it, therefore dont choose best songs or artists to represent themselves.

I didn't think about this till now.
I believe it costs a lot to host such show, but people always make this an opportunity to attract tourists by showing what they have.

Political and historical infuences strongly effect a large number of the votes. e.g. same countries vote for each other every year regardless of song.

That's very true, but a good song gets voted even by countries who have no specific relations. Like always the winning songs gets voted by almost all countries.

And about the winning song: that recorder/whistle or how is it called made the song :).
I am no big fan of this contest as I rarely like the songs but the statement you listed seems misleading at best.

Winning country hosts next event, this usually costs much more than any revenue from it, many countries dont want to host it, therefore dont choose best songs or artists to represent themselves.
Must be small and very poor countries or based on a symbolic argument about reducing cost. On a government budget the expense is minuscule especially since most of the expense of the contest is covered by commercial sponsors and contributions from the other participating nations.

Denmark is a tiny country and even in this recession there is already and ongoing battle to which region is going to host in 2014.

In summary, the voting is fixed so results dont mean much but you do get to listen to some good music and also usually some strange music too.
I think this is an harsh and rushed conclusion their is bias as their is in most contest. Fixed paints the picture of a winner is decided before hand or is certain of victory this is far from the case.

Ireland often win also.
yes they ahve won a lot, cannot see what your point is though?
I am remembering from a while ago when Ireland won a high percentage over quite a few years.

There were lots stories in the UK press about people there being very unhappy with the amounts being spent by the state. As most countries only win rarely it is seldom an issue.

Also as this is OGF I was also trying to add a little humour to my post while still having some facts ;)

Fixed paints the picture of a winner is decided before hand Not so much a winner as quite a few 99% certain losers. But, you just need to watch some of the voting to see that the songs have no relevance on who the votes are given to. Most years you have a fairly good chance of working out who the top 5 will be before hearing any songs.
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