Author | just woundering .is there anyone below level 5 that have max labores guild ? |
i |
max labor ??
dont think anyone have even get close to there yet.
14 --> 47.000 enrolls
check this page well ;) | _id=-1&submit=search...&nick=
you can find some in the above link.
i guess this should be i the Q&H forum section. |
Topic moved from "General game forum" to "Queries and help". |
max lg below lvl 5 |
i guess this should be i the Q&H forum section I agree.
If you did 15 enrolls every day and had no days off it would take over 8.5 years to get to 47, 000.
You could reduce this with the new premium package but why would you want to? Yes you would have plenty of gold but you would be so bored. |
omg that necromancer is so strong XD 4 hunter guild and so close to 5 + 8 labores guild 4 more defence level 7 function skill as a necromancer he can have like 150 skeleton archers at level 5 ! |