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in my last tournament , three of us had 1 luck parameter.
yet , the opponents got 5 and 3 luck bursts and that too early in the game [the 5 one got 3 consecutive bursts] while i got only 2 , that too at the ending when almost all troops were dead.... is it that some factions have better chance of triggering luck than others ??
factions have better chance of triggering luck than others ??
No 1 luck is the same for each faction. Some have cheaper ways to get them others, but the effect of an luck point is the same.

1 luck is equal to 10% chance, so you where just not as lucky as them in this battle
is it that some factions have better chance of triggering luck than others ??

No its nt like tht.. Its same for all faction..
It depends on hw much luck u have :)
:( unlucky in real life...
closed by The executioner (2013-06-04 14:33:31)
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