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AuthorAll event related questions in one topic (facility war)
What is the new button on top-left corner?

I read somewhere, when you press it, your allies can take control of your troops.
What is the new button on top-left corner?

I read somewhere, when you press it, your allies can take control of your troops.

I think that's right. Also, I think you can pass control to clan members of your level or higher only, and they cannot be in a battle or in a challenge either.
When will we get an announcement that will official start the event?
Its already started
Its already started

No, there isn't any announcement about it so it didn't start for us.
Its already started

No, there isn't any announcement about it so it didn't start for us

You're not in an MC, so the event is not (yet) for you.
1)Wats the profit of clan after they gain control over a factory?
2)Hw to defend our factories??
3)Is there any fixed time for the defending war??
4)Is there any lvl restrictions to defend the factory??
1. Exactly that - they get control of the factory. :D For factories that a clan controls, the empire rewards the clan with 3% of the total gold consumed by enrolls each day.
Here's an example: 2013-06-13 00:01: Based on previous day results for defending map facilities (369), the clan is awarded 2879 gold.

2. Facilities are randomly attacked by the enemy. When a facility is being attacked, it is listed on the war page. The clan controlling the facility then has to defend it, by sending 7 teams of 3 people to fight the enemy. The attack is noticed an hour before it starts, so that the clan has time to prepare its defence.

3. No, it is random.

4. No
You're not in an MC, so the event is not (yet) for you.

I'm pretty sure that many without a MC would gladly join a MC if they could take part in an event. I assume that many will like it so much that they will stay in the MC for good.
for Dragon Eater:
Thnxx man.. u r really very helpful :D
hey, can english MC's take part. I mean which facilities are open for my MC
Hiya all,

Anyone have any info on how to defend a facility?

- How to defend?

- How many teams need to defend?

- How does the defend mechanics work?

- How many times/teams and how long need to defend?

etc etc..

Thanks )
enemy will randomly attack facilities
if they attack yours, you need 7 teams of 3 people each to defend
each team that loses, will lose control % (max of 15% lost per team)
- How to defend?
You must observe this page: https://www.lordswm.com/mapwars.php The attacks will be listed there 1 hour before the attack starts to give you time for preparations.

- How many teams need to defend?
7*3 players are needed
hey, can english MC's take part. I mean which facilities are open for my MC

I think when a facility is taken, after 1 hour it is like "pun on auction" where all clans can form vanguards to attack that territory. The one with most wins gets the territory.
Correct me if I'm wrong.

for Sir Jedi Knight:

-How to defend?
-The clan that owns the territory can form vanguards 15 min before the attack starts

-How many teams need to defend?
-7 teams for a full defense. For each team missing the clan loses 15% percent of control.

-How does the defend mechanics work?
-In a fight, if the clan wins, no damage is taken. If the clan loses, it will lose 15% if no enemy was killed, 10% if one enemy was killed and 5% if 2 enemies were killed and only one was left.

-How many times/teams and how long need to defend?
-Every time your clan's territory is attacked, you are announced 1 hour earlier so you have time to reach the location of attack and form vanguards. 7 vanguards (no more) can be formed to defend the territory.
You can be attacked more than once per day.
But you cannot be attacked in your "safe time zone" (each clan has 10 hours of safe time, which can be changed once per week. Default is 00:00 to 10:00 AM server time)
Where does the gold for winning go to?
i checked the clans depositry, clan treasury and players gold. But none of the three increased after a successfull defend, in which the battle result screen says
defense successfull, clan #xxxx treasury will be accounted with xxxx gold
nvm, gold is awarded after all battles are finished, not per battle
what MC MEANS ?
[Post deleted by moderator Magier // provocative]
Military Clan you noob!

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