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AuthorSTB gets to Combat level 12
Lord STB

Wach out Noldor!
STB is rushing through the game and if he keeps this up he will soon surpass even Noldor himself! :D

Big congratz, hope you enjoy the new level and the new challenges it brings along with it
congrats STB :)

STB is rushing through the game and if he keeps this up he will soon surpass even Noldor himself!
Oh the irony xD
Gratz! =)
Commiserations dear STB. You are levelling too fast ;)
I'm sorry for your loss :p
Congratz, STB! this is the second level you gain since I joined the game! :D
congrats :)
Congratulations camper!
Congratz mate ;-)
:O Comgrats STB
congratz :)
Congrats :)
congrats.. keep the pace :)
Commiserations STB, I hope it will be many years before you see the tragedy that is level 13 ;p
Congratz Mr. STBees :)
Congrats STB, it's a rare sight to see you levelling ;-)
Gratz Esss Tea Bee !
Congratz STB :D
it's a rare sight to see you levelling ;-)
Indeed, the rarest of sights... O.o

Grats, STB!
OMG STB,what a nice reputation u have XD

Congratz, STB! this is the second level you gain since I joined the game! :D

plz dont post things like that,I"ll die of laughter XD

k enough of it,STB and I have been friends lately and it is really pleasing to see u lvling and participating in defences and battles.prove all of em wrong!

Gratzz and good luck :)
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